1: my release

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Authors note: this chapter has sensitive topics so I'll put this * when it starts and ends.

Four years ago today, four years ago I was left with this serial killer. he is yet to be found.

After one year he killed mae my only friend she was trying to protect me.

he was going to test on me again but I still wasn't healed from the last time so she offered to go in my place. I never saw her again and I still blame myself for what happened that day.


I heard her screams her pleading for help then it all went silent, completely quiet I walked towards the room I saw him standing over her lifeless body and then he stood infront of me telling me to leave so I did and that's the last time I saw her. Her lifeless eyes my best friend gone because of his desperation to get his talent back.

~end of flashback~

But now he was stood infront of me again.

"Your last test. And then I'm done with you."

He walked toward the door the door leading out of mine (and maes old room)

"Are you coming or not?"

I knew this was my last day alive a smile making its way onto my face the day where all the pain stops the day I get to see mae again.

We mak it to the operating room.

"Lie down you all ready know how it goes."

~time skip~

** Normally when I'm tortured, when he tries to take my talent I scream I cry out for help. You can hear me on the other side of the building.

But this time it's different. I'm at peace with what is happening to me.im not struggling, crying or even trying to escape.

I've accepted my fate. So when the blade finally stopped and blood was surrounding my body he didn't stop like he did with the others he started to sew me back up.

"You think I'd let you die? Well you're going to be the first victim the world's going to see again."

That's when I start crying. When I realise it's not over the pain will only continue.

A sharp needle goes into my neck and everything goes black I can't see anything.**

My eyes slowly flutter open and im not in my room I'm not I'm not I don't know where I am it's dark out which is probably bad. I'm lay on the ground seems like a park I'm definitely in a city and seeing as he wants me found more than likely to be London.

I try to sit up but the stitches in my side are killing. my whole body aches but i need to get to a hospital.

I push throught the pain and very slowly I get up I walk to the end of the park by a road.

I'm walking one direction and I end up in rows of houses I've got I feeling I'm around Central London I pick the door closest to me needing help as soon as possible.

I hit the door three times suddenly going pale feeling as though I'm going to faint. A boy a little younger than me 16 maybe.

"What can I do for you" he asks surprised of my sudden appearance

"George whose at the door?" Someone else shouts from behind him

Just as I'm about to fall Into unconsciousness a boy walks around the corner.

"Are you ok?" The boy at the door asks, I'm fairly sure his name was George.

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