Chapter 25

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There were only a few days left until the final task. I had taken a break from the library and Theo and Blaise walking through the courtyard towards the bridge. Draco hadn't been helping anymore - always making excuses to Blaise when he asked him to join us and avoiding interacting with me in any way he could.

It had been announced Minister Fudge would be a judge for the task, adding even more emphasis to the massive event soon to come. Everyone was excited and constantly talking about the task, who they thought would win and what the task would entail.

I leant against the railing of the bridge, breathing in the warm summer air and looking over the grounds. I didn't understand. I don't understand anything.

What was so wrong with this task that Draco didn't want me to compete and even Snape knew it was dangerous? Why was he being like this?

I heard the creek of wood and turned my head right, seeing no one as expected, and then left to see Harry approaching. He walked to my side and leant next to me looking out across the grounds.

"Not long until it's over." He said with a sigh of relief.

I nodded, "Haven't you enjoyed it then?"

He shook his head, turning to me, "I never even wanted to be a part of this, I didn't enter my name into that goblet someone else must have but I don't know why."

"Everything always happens to you." I laughed.

"I wish it didn't." He said in a lowered voice.

I nudged him with my shoulder, "You're Harry Potter, you'll be fine, no one will let you get hurt."

"What about you?"

"It's a good job I can save myself." I smirked at him before looking back out across the grounds.

Silence passed over us for a moment, before Harry asked, "What actually happened with you and Malfoy? Why isn't he... helping you anymore?"

"He doesn't want me to win, saying it's dangerous and will be worse than losing or something." I sighed.

"I don't get it, he should want to beat me more than anything in the world. What could get in the way of that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"Whatever it is, I'll look out for you in there. I promise." Harry said, looking into my eyes kindly.

I smiled, "l don't need looking after, I bet you'll be the one calling for me."

He laughed, "We will see." And turned his head the other way before straightening up and awkwardly turning back.

"What?" I questioned trying to look around him.

"I don't need to tell you who it is," Harry said, "Do you want to talk to him or get out of it and come with me?"

I saw Draco slowing when he saw who I was with and stopping a few meters away staring at us as if demanding Harry left. "It's okay I can deal with him. If we don't speak before the task, good luck. I hope you come second."

"You too." Harry chuckled, turning away, giving a stout nod to Draco and walking past confidently.
Draco replaced Harry at my side standing straight and tall looking at me intently.

"What?" I snapped. He said nothing just looking down at me, that same intense look in his gray eyes and hand balled into fists at his sides. "Stop looking at me like-"

"I'm sorry." He said quickly, sincerity in his voice and hope in his gaze.

"Who are you and what have you done with the Draco that's been a dickhead for the past two weeks?"

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