The trauma

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They felt asleep on the couch and the next morning they got woken up by a call from Srgt Grey. He wanted them to come to the station immediately with Liam and Tamara as well. So they did and there they saw everyone, Wesley with his kids and Nyla too. They then asked what was going on. Grey told them that the guy who works like Rosalind is very dangerous and they had to get everyone there who even nearly could be in danger. Lucy started breathing heavily and Tim told her to go to his office with him. There he calmed her down by hugging her and telling her she could rest on the small couch. She said that she would rather want to help them find the guy. Tim was worried but couldn't do anything to change her mind, so he agree. Then everyone asked Tamara to look after their kids and she agreed but added as a joke, that this isn't cheap. Then everyone got back to work and Tim got Lucy assigned to him. So they started to go on patrol. Grey called them after an hour back because they had found a possible location, where he could be. So they all went out and Tim asked if she is alright. Lucy said 'Yeah because you will be there all the time with me.' He smiled and kissed her hand. They got to the place and Tim checked if Lucy was alright. Then they got inside and saw a guy coming out of apartment 13 but as soon as he saw them, he started running,when Lucy saw that she called for backup. They ran after him but he got away. Lucy and Tim returned to apartment 13 and they knocked buy no one opened so they assumed that no one is home and stepped in the door. They then cleared the appartement and looked around. Tim entered a room and saw everywhere on the wall Lucy being in the barrel. He told Lucy to stay where she is because it was even hard for him to see the pictures. She then said that she comes in but before he could stop her it was to late, she was already in the room. He rushed to her but before he was with her she saw every detail and fell on the ground. Tim got to her and told her that she is fine and he is with her. He managed to calm her down and then Srgt Grey arrived with backup. They started to look around and Grey told Tim to take her away from here but she insisted to stay. Tim were really worried, because even he was scared of the pics, because he still thinks that it was his fault. Anyhow he got her to leave and go back to the station. When they arrived Lucy walked to Angela and asked her if she needs help. Angela replied 'Not right now,but you could check on Wesley, he and Aaron are looking for any help over the telephone. Lucy walked to Wesley and asked them if they needed help. He gave her a phone and some phone numbers who may could help. Meanwhile Tim checked on Liam and Tamara and asked Tamara if it was okay for her to watch over the babies, she said that it is no problem and asked if they made some progress. Tim didn't really knew,because they just found an appartement. He then returned to Angela but Grey called him in his office. He asked, how Lucy is doing. He replied 'I hope fine, it is only that she probably relieves everything right now,but I will be there for her'. They then got back to the others and Tim saw that Lucy's leg was shaking. He asked her if she could come for a moment to his office. She nodded and followed him. He then hugged her and told her that she has to promise him that she will tell him if anything is wrong ' She hugged him back and agreed. They stand there hugging for 5 minutes and then Aaron knocked on the door and they answered it. He asked if they are fine. And they nodded and got back to everyone. While they were gone, Nyla found a new hint. It was a piece of hair they found on one of the pictures. It will get scanned right now. 'Let's just hope it's in the system ' Lucy added. 1 hour later they got the results and it was from a guy named Felix Crisp. Lucy asked how they would find the guy. Tim replied that they should check every family member,friend and cell mate, because someone will give him up. They all started to look around for someone, who might help them. After 2 hours one person gave him up and it was time to put Crisp behind bars. The patrol who found him were Lucy and Tim,because they were the fastest. He tried to run away again but Tim tasted him so he couldn't move. Then he started singing 'Starlight ..' Lucy trembled and Tim shaped Crisp. He took her in the arm and shouted to Felix ' Why the hell are you doing that. LEAVE HER ALONE!'He just responded,'I am obsessed with her story and wanted to finish it,but I failed, sadly. Tim then hugged Lucy tighter. Nolan arrived with Celina and Tim told him that he has to take him back.

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