Employee: No, we don't have a tiger... The tiger is in the zoo.

Sergei: I mean a guy named Prince Tiger.

The employee looked at him in astonishment, "Prince... No... but there is a person whose name is close to this meaning. He is Mr. Creel, the businessman. Creel means noble and one of authority.

He took out a piece of paper with a picture of Creel's ID card on it and showed it to Sergei.

Sergei was surprised by the picture that looked like Prince Tiger, then he said to himself, "Maybe they mean him."

The employee felt anxious and suspicious as he looked at Sergei. Sergei looked like someone who wanted to be killed.

Meanwhile, Prince Tiger was in the hall, Sergei saw him and started following him and tried to enter the elevator behind him, but the door closed and he got up.

The staff and guests were cursing and threatening Sergey when he appeared to be secretive.

Oppression, suffering, and hatred for the Russians. He was afraid of them and began to avert his eyes from them.

Moscow University.

Prof. Constantine was sitting behind his desk in his office and talking on the phone. "Yes, sir

Ambassador... All your words are my concerns and I will study them... I would like to sit with you

Let's talk in detail, you are our talented ambassador in Washington."

Professor Constantine began writing notes, numbers, and appointments on a piece of paper and thanked the ambassador.

He hung up the phone happily and ecstatically, then took out a bottle of cognac from the drawer of his table poured himself a small cup, and drank it once.

Meanwhile, Nikolai was sitting with Iger, where he was welcoming him and poured for him

A glass of whiskey: "I congratulate you, Mr. Iger, on your deal. You have completed two deals in a short period of time, and you won me a million rubles."

Iger laughed proudly, "As I told you, General Nikolai Medvedev, according to the available opportunity, all this happened."

They were sitting in the living room behind the table, and Lyudmila's wife had prepared a wonderful dinner for them. Grilled chicken pieces with cherry juice, bread pieces, and white sauce with vegetables.

Nikolai took out a blue velvet box from the closet and gave it to Iger, "This will remain a gift for your wife it is a Gold and platinum necklace.".

Iger rejoiced, widened his eyes with happiness and surprise, and opened the box. "Thank you, General. I am always at your service."

Nikolai: Its price, as shown in the attached paper, is 200,000 rubles.

Lyudmila entered the room and started smiling, laughing, and welcoming Iger.

Nikolai: Iger told me that he is very busy today and he is leaving. By the way, I bought you a gift.

He went to the closet and took out a red velvet box and gave it to her.

Lyudmila opened it, " What a surprise, a gold and platinum bracelet."

Nikolai accepted it, " It's yours, my dear. Its price is 200,000 rubles."

Ludmila laughed delightedly.

Meanwhile at the Moscow Petersburg Hotel. Sergei was in his room, worried and afraid. "Ah... it is the proper plan is, that my room is 666 and he is 444. I will come down from the balcony."

Prince Tiger & The Russian BearWhere stories live. Discover now