Chapter 1: Short notice

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Shortly before Sirius left to the train, I gave Regulus, Sirius, and I charm bracelets. The charm bracelet had a crescent moon with one star on the right and another star on the left, so the moon was between the two stars.

(A/n: I know there's not two stars, but let's pretend for my sake since I couldn't find an image like my vision)

I originally was saving it for Regulus's birthday, but now it was a better time than any. The best thing about this type of jewelry is that it was magically charmed to turn into any type of jewelry you wanted with just a tap of magic on any part of your body and voíla, it can go from a bracelet to earrings just like that. This type of jewelry like this in our world is extremely expensive, but luckily, due to research in the Black library and buying a few materials, I made my very own charmed jewelry. Mother seemed quite surprised, slightly impressed, and a little proud. She even complimented me at the train station.

The jewelry also has a spell on it that whenever a small ounce of magic is on a charm. It will glow, I told my brothers this to have them do it if they needed one of us or if they were thinking about one or the other. It was the best gift I could think of, and both my brothers agreed.

Before my brother went off to Hogwarts, Mother made him promise to send us a letter on what house he was sorted in as soon as he got to his new dorms. But when we got the letter, and it was announced he was in Gryffindor, mother was outraged while father just looked incredibly disappointed. Mother even hexed the couch, and it flew to the wall with a loud bang. That was one of the scariest moments of anger my mother displayed.

Shortly after that outburst, Mother sent both me and Regulus up to our rooms, and we immediately headed upstairs without complaint, for good reason too.

A few minutes after she sent us to our rooms, I heard mother screaming, cursing, glass breaking, a few spells being casted, crashing, and an animalistic roar. A minute after that, it was dead silence, and to me. That was scarier than my mother having an outburst in our living room. Father was most likely in his office, probably drinking.

I clutched my knees to my chest tightly with my arms holding onto each other as I waited for something. At this point, anything, any sound, any crash, Merlin, any creak would do. But no, it was pure silence in the Black house, and it was terrifying. After what felt like an eternity of silence, I heard a pop in my room and immediately shrieked and buried my head in my knees. I then heard the old, slightly raspy voice of our house elf kreacher. "My apologies for frightening you, young mistress." I looked up slowly seeing Kreacher with his normal pale elf complexion, his grouchy face that reminded me of an angry grandfather and his pointy ears and nose that reminded me of a old story book that mother read us once, and it had a woman's nose was that pointy and green and apparently she was evil and ugly. I forgot what the title was... something with a man named Oz. But after the book was read, Mother immediately burned it in the fire to never be read again.

I also saw Kreacher's tiny potatoe sack dress shirt that looked clean but dirty at the same time. I looked up at him and spoke, "I-its OK, Kreacher. W-what is it that you need?" Kreacher replied. "Ah yes. Your mother, Mistress Black, wishes to see you." I looked at Kreacher while also slowly releasing my legs."Right now?" Kreacher replied."Right now, young mistress." He then popped out of my room, and I sighed, trying to calm down my heart.

I then made my way off my queen sized bed with a small hop and made my way to my vanity mirror to check my reflection. My black wavy hair was in a half up half down style, I made sure that no side bangs were in my face since mother hates that I "Hid my face behind my hair" and would not hesitate to hex or curse me for it. It hasn't stopped her before.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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