thirty seven

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The upcoming chapters will be mentioning a lot of blood, violence and gore. Please read at your own discretion and don't read this at any cost if you're easily triggered by any of the mentioned topics.


"Take no action yet, Kaito. Let her have her moment." I grin.

Mona's face grows sour as my command leaves my lips and Kaito nods.

"Scaramouche and I don't need either of you! You only drag him down Y/n, don't you see he's unhappy? He can't even do what he does best when you're around! A little impudent sheltered girl like you can't even handle the very sight of blood!" Mona shouts.

It's quite ironic how she says I can't handle the sight of blood when I'm the one who just took the lives of two of her guards and am literally stained in the crimson reds.

"You leave me no choice, Luca this is an order, wipe them all out. I'll take the bitch myself."

This command also makes Kaito look in her direction.

Within moments a small army of men dressed in white appear, as if they were summoned by an invisible force. Kaito looks at me once again, as if asking for permission to engage.

"Protect yourself and take free reign to do as you please. Ah, please do keep watch so I don't get attacked unsuspectedly." I smile.

Kaito nods and immediately disappears, whereas seconds later both screams and groans can be heard from the already dispersed white-clads.

"I bet you were really happy about the sudden raise of status, after all, weren't you just a secondborn daughter to a marquess?" Mona wears a snide smirk as she makes commentary that normally would cause an uproar in a ballroom.

"Of course, that was most definitely the one and only reason I married the prince. A good raise of status." I shake my head.

"But as much as I was only secondborn of a marquess, weren't you firstborn of a baron? With a younger brother? I'm sure you've laid awake at night, tossing and turning on the fact your younger brother was to inherit everything you wanted. Although, being a baroness isn't much either."

She can try all she wants, just in a battle of words I certainly have the upper hand. Growing up with an elder brother and his annoying prince best friend, I had to carry the only weapon I could; my words.

Mona's face shows she's in a worse mood than she was before my remark, and I can't deny that it satisfies me a little.

"What do you know about Mondstadt's inheritance laws?!" She huffs.

"I must say that in the little free time I have between my imperial duties and my empress lessons, I spend my time reading about topics that interest me. Mondstadt was a topic of interest the past few months, especially their laws."

I grin before I continue.

"Did you also know that even members of noble houses are to be put to death when committing crimes against the royal family or any higher ranking families, both in Mondstadt and outside of it? So don't worry, you wouldn't have become head of your family anyways."

I can see Mona tense up at the topic of her crimes, I suppose she didn't really get to study laws as she probably isn't getting the lessons her brother is about laws, rules and how to lead a house.

"You know nothing about me, so shut up!"

I was getting used to her screaming and yelling, except this time even the ground shook.

A mist that certainly wasn't here before starts to form and spread around us, separating us from the rest of the knights and white-clad.

I can hear a faint voice yelling my name, which I recognise to be Childe's voice. I suppose Itto finally found him and they were successful in getting rid of the patrolling guards.

"Do you know how one gets to wield the power of the gods, Y/n?"

Mona's voice sounds clearer than it did before, as if the mist is making all other noise get cancelled.

"I don't suppose you do, after all, you'll never be the one to inherit it from the empress."

She steps closer to me and the echo of her clacking heels on the stone bricks of the ruin sounds loud enough to be deemed annoying.

"The only way for me to get this power was to make a deal with a cast out god of Celestia. Luckily Furina had a close bond to him, and I did have to negotiate quite a bit to convince him too. I assume he still had hopes of being accepted back one day into the realm of gods."

She claps her hands.

"Not anymore! He blessed me with his remaining power as I promised to help him become a god worshipped by many Poor soul didn't even suspect that I'd have him killed the very next day."

Her cackling laughter sounds nearly manic as the mist thickens, making it hard for me to even make out her silhouette.

"To wield the power of water freely, it doesn't even drain my lifeforce as much as expected! Isn't it just wonderful? You should be honoured I'm willing to end your life with this beautiful weapon."

I couldn't find the words to interrupt her until now.

"So basically you just added more to your list of crimes? Not only did you attempt to take the life of a member of the imperial family, you're working together with a criminal organisation and killed hundreds, you now also use black magic?" I nearly choke on the mist, there's nearly no more oxygen in the air.

"Once I marry the prince, nothing of that all will matter. And we can just kill anyone who objects! We'll rule the world, just as he is destined to. But to do that I need to get rid of you first."

The water she wields to her command, flies past me. At the speed she sends it with and the density it has, the small amounts of clear liquid are nearly as sharp as a sharpened blade.

I flinch as the droplets slice my skin, not deep enough to be fatal but enough to draw more blood than I can afford to lose.

"Maybe you should have accepted being a consort, it's quite a shame really Oh well, too late for regrets, goodbye Y/n."

Mona's voice begins to fade as I feel a warm and numb throbbing pain in my lower abdomen. I recognise the throbbing pain as the gushing and pumping of my destroyed veins, and when I look at my hands after touching the hurting area, they're stained in a deep crimson.

I still am conscious enough to see the mist is dissipating and can hear the muffled screams of my comrades.

Is this really how I die?

Word count: 1115

Hi guys, back at it again with another chapter cuz I had a free day today and wrote my ass off so I could have some back up chapters in case I don't have time the upcoming week to write

I hope y'all enjoy the cliffhanger I left y'all on <3

Anyways my birthday is in a few days so that's anxiety inducing (anything that makes me stress even the slightest amount is giving me anxiety lol)

Ok it's exactly 1:30am for me rn so I'm gonna go finish the chapter I was working on earlier and go to sleep

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you as always for reading my story!!!

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