thirty six

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That same morning we set out to the location that the knights stumbled upon.

In the company of five important houses of Inazuma and their armies, I still feel a bit nervous.

House Kamisato stood very well politically in court and has a lot of support from the commoners as well.

House Hassam takes first place in international business, Childe being their frontman even though he has yet to surpass his father for the title.

House Kuki, the one with more men working for them than any other noble house in Inazuma; as they have a magnificent merchant guilt.

House Shikanoin their knights are here even though the marquess had left together with Kazuha due to severe injury.

And house Kaedehara their knights are also still here, as much as I got married and became part of the imperial family, I'm still daughter of house Kaedehara, thus they still treat me as the acting head of the house whilst on the battlefield.

But the white-clad are high in number and their abilities are phenomenal as well...

"Your highness, we're approaching a lake." Kaito's voice is always hushed and always makes me jump.

I don't think I've actually heard him talk at a normal volume or even yell once.

"I suppose that we should take a rest if we don't want to make fools of ourselves for being overly tired." I shake my head as to clear my troubled mind.

Sir Kaito gives a signal to lord Ayato, who then leads the entire army of knights towards the lake.

The colourful flowers that pop out of the grassy landscape make it hard to believe that we're about to risk our lives. This lovely scenery might be painted red by dawn tomorrow and still the rain will wash it clean again the next day.

But the bodies of both our enemies and comrades who may meet their very end here will become a new beginning for the grass or flowers.

An hour of resting, eating and composing ourselves, goes by in a flash. And before I'm even really aware of it, I'm already back on my horse and about to give a brief speech to bestow some courage and bravery.

A neat little thing lord Ayato thought of.

"My dear comrades." I begin and my voice sounds much more stable than I actually am.

"We're about to risk our lives for the crown... all of you have people back home, and all of you have many more precious memories to make. So give it your all, but don't cower away or succumb to your fears."

I'm making this speech up as I go; a handy skill I picked up in my time as a princess.

Although I'm sounding more like a thoughtless general that hides behind a human shield.

"Don't just fight for victory, fight for your loved ones, fight for your lives. And if this may be our last battle, let's make it an honourable one."

My words do seem to have sparked some morale as the knights grow louder.

"Let's bring glory to Inazuma once more!" Lord Ayato's voice booms louder than mine.

His addition made the knights cheer in response and with that, we're off to the ruin where I hope to find my beloved.

"Your highness, we're approaching the ruin. There are six guards outside and two patrolling the area around the ruin." Kaito's voice is a whisper.

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