Chapter 4: Obsessive Madonna

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You and B/n were running to school, with parkour and ninjutsu skills. You jump and swing on a street light then roll on the ground. Both of you flip over a parked car, and continued running. As you two got to the school you climb up the wall and flip, then do a triple backflip catching yourselves on the ground, then finish with a acrobatic flip. Other students that saw, applaud to you both.

(End the music)

You got to class.

(Y/n) & B/n: Morning.

Shinpei: Yo.

(Y/n): What have you guys been up to?

Shinpei: Well, Keigo's been going on. He won't shut up about this cute webcam girl he saw online, we has jerking it last night.

B/n: Did not need to hear that.

Keigo stands up.

Keigo: No, she was super cute.

He pulls out his phone.

Keigo: Hold on a sec. I show her to you.

Minoru: So, how old do you think she was?

(Y/n): Be quiet, Minoru. I swear, why are you so into minors? Do I have to report this to the police?

Keigo: Here it is.

He and Shinpei crouched.

Shinpei: Let me see.

Keigo shows him an webcam of a girl with red hair, tied with twin-tails, wearing makeup. She is called "Mistress BoA".

BoA: Alright, see you guys later

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BoA: Alright, see you guys later. Thanks for popping in on me. Now come again soon, you hear?

Shinpei and Keigo were wide eyed with their faces red.

Keigo: See, what did I tell you? She's super cute, right?

Shinpei: Cute? She's spectacular!

You and your brother take a look at her.

(Y/n): Hm, she seems interesting. Wait a minute, doesn't she look familiar?

B/n: It seems like it.

Later, you and B/n have lunch with Yukana and Ranko. Ranko slowly started to warm up to you, since the day you've been so nice to her, despite what she tried to do you. She looked at B/n, because she never seen him before.

Ranko: So, who are you?

(Y/n): Oh, yeah. Ranko, I guess you haven't met my brother, B/n.

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