Time to make things right!

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(Isabella POV)

I dont know what happened! I was just roasting Phineas! "You should go visit him?" Gretchen suggested. That's it! I'll just visit Phineas and talk it out!
I rushed out and ordered and Uber and went to Phineas's house.

(Phineas POV)
I went home smiling as wide as humanly possible. As soon as I got home.
Mabel said "Did Isabella feel the same way?"

I ran off to me and Ferb's secret underground hideout and  wept heavily. I can't believe Isabella didn't like me after all those hints she gave! I then remembered that there was Electroman Adventures to play and quickly forgot about the whole incident.

"I'll take that as a no." Dipper replied.
"Poor thing." Baljeet replied."

(Isabella POV)
After 5 minutes of driving I had reached the Flynn-Fletcher House.
OK, Isabella It's Now or Never!

*rings doorbell*

(Ferb's POV)

What a shame. And I really thought Isabella liked Phineas.

*hears doorbell*

"Oh! Someone's at the door!" Baljeet says.

"As If it wasn't obvious enough!" We all say in unison.

Oh no.

"What is it, Ferb?" Mabel questions.

It's Isabella.

Everyone gasps.

Thx so much for reading guys! Part 6 coming soon! :)

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