A Mothers weakness

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Over the whole week Luz and king were still upset about their visit to jacks.  They weren't as talkative, and didn't pull their regular shenanigans. Eda hated seeing her kids this way, Lilith was busy with her job, so she turned to the only person she knew would probably have more rational ideas than her just smothering them.

"Hey rainestorm.."

"Morning walnut, whats up?"

"Heh.. Um.. It's.. It's my kids, they.. Had a bad week end with their father, and now their all.. Mopy.. And.. Depressed"

"Yikes.. Like what kinda depressed we talking? Your sister? Or your ice cream depression"

"You know I really can't stand you sometimes"

"Answer the question walnut"

"My.. Ice cream depression"

"Damn.. Alright, give me 30 minutes, and everything will be okay"


The call dropped, and eda was left confused, but she went to check on Luz and king. They were listening to depressing cartoon sound tracks laying on the floor.. Face planted on the carpet.  Eda felt so bad, because well she knew this was her fault since they got this from her, and it was probably genetic. 

30 minutes later there was a knock on edas door.  Eda opened it, and saw rai e with a prideful but goofy smile, with a big bag in their hand. "Raine!? Oh wow um.. Whats all this?" Eda asked with a crooked smile.  "Just something to get your kids in a much better mood" Raine said. Then out the bag on the table. "Raine that's very sweet, but IV  tried everything I could think of, and their still.. Well.. Just look at them" eda said, starting to feel bad
Raine took out 2 silly hats. One a cowgirl hat, with a silver plastic tiara on it, and a top hat, with a birthday hat on it. Eda giggled seeing them. "Raine what the hell are you up to?" Eda asked. "Trust me walnut, let me handle this"  raine said, and walked into Luz and kings room. "Hey guys, lets turn those frowns upside down!" Raine said, and turned of the music.  Luz and king sat up, and Raine put the hats on them Luz and king looked up on them, and stood up, but weren't quite smiling. Eda was relived to see them not being depressed on the floor. "Okay! Who wants Cookies?" Raine asked.  Luz and king raised their hands, and followed Raine into the kitchen.  Raine got out 3 things if cookie dough, and milk. "Put this is the fridge will ya?" Raine asked, handing it to eda. Eda put it in the fridge then saw Raine pull out chocolate bars, and different chocolate based candies. Now Luz and king were very intruiged.   

Eda raised an eyebrow with a smile as she caught on. She remembered the exact time they did this for her. While they were in college.. They got her silly things they made snacks with her, made her laugh. "Eda, can you get a cookie tray out for me?" Raine asked. "Whos eda?" King asked. Eda paused and looked down at king. "Thats.. Me honey" eda said with a  crooked smile. "Ew no, your name is mom" king said with all seriousness. "I agree, your name is mom" Luz said agreeing with her brother. Eda looked at her kids dumbfounded  then sighed. While Raine was dying of silent laughter. "Guys.. I have an actual name.. I'm.. Not just a mom you know" eda said playfully, but very serious
"Absolutely not.." King said. "I refuse" Luz said. "Your name is mom, your life had no other purpose other than being mom" Luz said.  "I.. Okay-.. " eda mumbled, very ammused that her kids thought she didn't have a name. Raine was trying to compose their self of the silent laughter, then got the cookie dough ready. "Okay did everyone wash their hands?" Raine asked. "Yes raine!" Luz and king saidm "perfect, now put the chocolate inside the cookie dough" Raine said, and put them up on a step stool since they were to short otherwise. 

When the cookies had the candy in them, Raine set the over, and out them in to bake.  "Alright, who wants to play a game?" Raine asked. Luz and king jumped with joy. "WE do!!" They beamed. Eda smiled softly brightly seeing Luz and king so happy. "Alright, what game do you want to play?"  Raine asked. "Surgeon!!" King suggested. Raine and eda thought it was real but agreed. 

They went to Luz and kings room, and had a blanket on the ground, and pretend knives.   "Okay mom, you get to be the corpse!" Luz said. Eda looked at Raine, then sat down. "Mommy! Lay down!" Luz said. "I- I don't wanna.. " eda mumbled. "Raineee! Mom won't play right!" King said. Raine  came over, and sat behind eda, then pinned her arms down so she couldn't get up. "Play right, mommy" Raine said in a teasing manner. Eda blushed profusely, and wasn't even paying attention to Luz and king.  

About an hour of Luz and king pretending to cut eda open, the oven dinged.  Luz and king immediately ran to the kitchen and jumped excitedly for Raine to take the cookies out.  Raine took them out, and put them on the counter to cool. "Raine can we have a cookie now!?" King asked very eager. "Not yet, there to hot" raine said. "But we can play we board games" Raine  said. "Jeez.. Who are you? Marry Poppins?" Eda asked playfully. "Maybe I am, maybe I not, you'll never know walnut" Raine teased then winked at her.  Eda blushed slightly and rolled her eyes.
Raine pulled out a few games for Luz and king to play which were actually in their age group.   Eda watched happily as they played together

When the cookies cooled, Luz and king ate them, while watching a movie. Raine and eda were sorta watching but not really since it was a kids movie.  Both eda and Raine were sitting on the couch together, eda had her head resting on their shoulder, while Raine worked up the balls, so put their arm around her.  Eda was so happy Raine had done this for her kids, she loved seeing them so happy after a traumatic event. 

Raine was enjoying being this close to eda,  they were doing it, exactly as Darius told them

Raine and Darius were at a cafe together one morning.  "Darius come on, I'm seriously asking for help here" raine insisted "well whispered, she a mother.. So the best way to get close to her is through her kids" Darius said fully confident in what he said. "Really? But Luz and king already like me" Raine said. "Then your in the green, you'll be making love to her in no time" Darius said. Raine immediately started blushing. "Oh my God! Darius no! I'm not trying to just hook up with her! I want to actually date her" Raine said. "But the love making is something you would want later on, am I right?" Darius asked in a teasing voice. "Shut up, Darius" Raine mumbled. "Ha! I was right"  Darius said praising himself. "Also.. Can..you not mention this to anyone? Especially not eda.. I don't want to rush things on her, because she just got divorced not to long ago.. And.. I'm not sure if she still has any feelings for him" Raine said. "Dude.. Her ex husband fucked your ex girlfriend on the damn kitchen floor, besides that marriage was crumbling anyway, so whatever feelings she had were destroyed that day you two caught them" Darius said, as she sat back. "Yeah.. But still, I want to do this right, I mean... Come on, have you seen her? Shes an amazing mother, shes strong and resilient, and drop dead gorgeous Darius, I mean come on! Nobody should be that good looking, shes chaotic but in the best way possible.. Thats just.. What I love about her.. My walnut" Raine said with a goofy smile, blushing like and idiot. "Wow.. The amount of brain cells I just lost listening to you.. Oh my God.. Dude.. Go ask her out or some shit because she needs to hear that, not me" Darius complained. What Raine didn't know was that Darius had recorded them.

End of flashback:

As the movie ended, and Luz and king were passed out from all the cookies, and it was past their bedtime.  Eda and Raine both put them to bed, and Raine helped eda clean up.    "Rainestorm.. " eda said, as she looked at them. Raine looked over at her, smiling. A smile that made eda weak in the knees. Eda started blushing then sighed. "N-nevermind.. " she mumbled. "You sure? You can tell me anything" Raine offered.
Can I tell you, that as a 30 year old mother I have  crush on you?

Eda nodded her head, and the two adults finished cleaning up.  When they finished, eda walked Raine out.  When they got to the entrance or the building, eda smiled brightly.  "Raine.. Tha k you so much for what you did today" eda said with a smile. "It's no problem, walnut.. " they said. "No really.. What you did.. You have no idea how much it ment to them.. How.. It ment to me to see them so happy" eda said, she felt embarrassed to say this, but knew it had to be said. Raine chuckled. "You going soft on me clawthorne?" They asked playfully.  Eda chuckled, and looked at them with a smirk. "In your dreams" eda replied. Then gave them a small kiss on the cheek. "But.. Maybe just a little" she said then walked back inside.   Raine touched their cheek, then decided to take a walk before getting home.

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