Reluctantly, Aerion stepped away from Aegon and nodded his head in her direction. "It's nice to see you, Queen Alicent."

"You as well," she replied. "Unfortunately, we can't stay long. There's a matter that I need to attend to back at the castle soon."

Aerion wasn't surprised by that proclamation, though he was more than certain it was an excuse.

His father had reached them during his conversation with Alicent and he slightly inclined his head as well in greeting.

"I was sorry to hear about Lady Laena, Ser Laenor. She was a brilliant woman," Alicent said. To Aerion's surprise, there seemed to be true sympathy and sadness in her eyes.

His father's expression slightly stilled, but he managed to softly thank Alicent for her condolences before gathering himself again and shooting a slight smile in Aerion's direction before turning back to Alicent and Ser Arryk.

He engaged them in the start of a boring conversation about the shipping in King's Landing and recognizing the distraction his father was giving him, Aerion quickly grabbed Aegon's hand and pulled him away from the small group gathered around the carriage so that they could at least have a slight bit of privacy while they talked.

The meadow they were in was carpeted in luscious green grass and full of yellow dandelions that brushed against Aerion's ankles as he walked. It was the type of atmosphere that made him desperately miss living in King's Landing even more.

"Do they not have ravens at Dragonstone?" Aegon asked. His voice was almost indifferent, but Aerion could hear the slight accusation underneath.

"They have plenty of ravens, though I had been beginning to wonder if a plague had taken out all the ravens that resided in King's Landing due to the lack of replies I received from you to any of my letters."

"You sent me letters?" Aegon asked, sounding more than a little pleased.

"I've sent you an embarrassing amount of letters," Aerion admitted, glancing down to study one of the dandelions by his feet as it swayed lightly in the breeze. He felt shy all of a sudden. It was a way he'd never felt around Aegon before, but something about his earlier revelation made him feel suddenly unsure.

"I didn't get any of them."

"I figured that out after a while. You really sent me some too?" Aerion asked, slightly glancing up to study Aegon's face.

He quickly nodded. "Especially after I heard about Lady Laena. I thought you might have needed some kind words."

That had been more than true. Aerion desperately wished he could have received that letter in the days after his family had received the news. Maybe it could have helped him, even just a little.

Aegon sighed and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "Do you want to take bets on which of our mothers are confiscating our letters?"

Aerion shook his head. He was more than certain that it was Alicent who was behind the stolen letters, but he didn't want to say as much to Aegon. Ultimately, there was little that would accomplish even if he could convince Aegon that all of this was her doing. His mother may not have approved of his closeness with Aegon, but she wouldn't keep them from talking to each other.

At least, he was almost certain of that.

Aerion sat down in the grass, crossing his legs as Aegon sat down across from him. "How are things in King's Landing?" he asked, mostly to change the subject.

"Oh, the same as always. Helaena is raising an army of caterpillars and I've been forced to attend the most boring events with my parents where I just stand to the side and look pretty while everyone talks about the most dreadfully dull topics. How is Dragonstone?"

Sworn Fate // Aegon Targaryen IIWhere stories live. Discover now