"I do not recognize your authority to dictate what is and is not my concern. You are the Queen Mother. Nothing more." Kevan rose from his seat.

"You would abandon your king in his time of need?"

"If he wants to send for me, I will be waiting for him. At Casterly Rock."

He exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Shortly after, the meeting was called to an end.

[King's Landing - Brothel]

The High Septon knelt in the center of a room. Seven prostitutes, dressed as each of the new gods, circled around him. Olyvar stood behind the High Septon, wearing a fake beard and holding a scale. The prostitutes giggled as the High Septon eyed them all.

"You have served us well, my son." Olyvar stated.

"Thank you, Father." The High Septon responded.

"Which of the Seven will you worship today?"

"The Maiden."

"Where is the Maiden?"

"And the Stranger."

Olyvar leaned forward. "Two is extra, you realize?"

"Yes, yes."

Olyvar snapped his fingers. He and five of the prostitutes stepped aside. The two dressed as the Maiden and the Stranger remained and approached the High Septon, who smiled.

Suddenly, some men led by Lancel Lannister barged into the room. The High Septon gasped and turned around.

"What are you doing? This establishment belong to Lord Petyr Baelish. You can't -" Olyvar began.

The men forced the High Septon to his feet. One of the men ripped off Olyvar’s fake beard, knocked him to the ground, and began kicking him. The prostitutes ran out of the room.

"You have profaned our faith. The faith of our fathers and forefathers." Lancel recited.

"I am the High Septon of the -"

Lancel grabbed his neck. "You are a sinner. And you shall be punished."

The men dragged the High Septon out of the room. He was forced out into the street naked, and began walking. He tried to cover his penis with his hands, but one of the men hit him with a stick. People gather on the sides of the street to watch, and began chanting.

"Sinner! Sinner! Sinner!"


"Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner!"

"Shame on you!"

"Sinner! Sinner!"

[King's Landing - Red Keep, Small Council Chamber]

The next day, another meeting was being held. Again, Aelinor was present in her role as cupbearer.

She had spent some time with Aegar; playing with him, singing to him, watching him.

Then the wetnurse arrived and he was fed. Aelinor held him a little while longer, until he had fallen asleep.

Placing him in his bassinet, she kissed him on his forehead before making her way to the Small Council.

She was glad he was such a good babe. He hardly cried. Only when he was hungry, needed to be changed, or simply wanted his mother's comfort.

Mace opened the door for the High Septon who approached the table. In better light, it was clear that his face was heavily bruised. Mace closed the door and walked over.

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