Speed Trapped

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Adam and Leo were over by the panel, Davenport was pacing around the lab while Bree and Chase were sitting down talking to each other. I was set with the task of see if anything was messed with.

I didn't look long as I got tired from the day I had then walk over and sit down at the table Bree and Chase are sitting at "Tonight's the night! The new frozen yogurt shop is opening! Fifty-two flavors and four of them are sugar-free." Chase starts to cheer with joy but then stops taking notice of Bree's face "Oh, who are you kidding? You passed out the first time Y/n showed you nail polish." Bree looks down at her nails, shrugs her shoulders, and goes back to brushing her hair.

Adam walks over to us wearing a green jacket that seems to be filled with things "I've heard of those yogurt places. They get you by charging extra for toppings. So, I'm bringing my own." He unzips his jacket to reveal bags of toppings, Bree once again nods her head while I turn over to Chase and notice him just shaking his head "You don't even wanna know what's in my pants." He slaps his pants pockets then leans over in pain "Aah! Ooh! Hot butterscotch! Ooh!"

Adam painfully walks back over to Leo as Davenport walks over to us "Sorry, you guys are coming home straight after school. So no flavors, no froyo, no hanging with the bros, peeps, and homies."

"Bros, peeps, and homies?" Bree repeats

Davenport nods his head "Don't. Just... no." I shake my head at him and get up and walk over to Leo.

Leo follows over toward Davenport "What's got you so grouchy? They run out of human footstools at the rich-guy club?"

Davenport looks over at everyone and sighs in frustration "Did you forget your little buddy Marcus found the lab yesterday? He could've discovered our bionic secret and Y/n secret power!"

Bree perks up and walks over to the rest of us "Oh! Okay, so it's our fault that your million-dollar smart home system didn't stop him?"

Eddy pops up on the screen behind us "Don't go there, supergirl. I was getting my beauty sleep. Something you might want to look into." Eddy aims the remark over at Bree cause Adam and Chase to chuckle to themselves.

"Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was, even though" Davenport points to Leo "someone was supposed to be watching him."

"Well, technically" Leo points back over at Davenport "someone pulled Leo away, letting Marcus roam free."

Adam looks back over at them "Guys, I think you're talking about each other."

Davenport looks over at Adam and shakes his head "Bottom line, I am keeping a tighter leash on you four."

"No problem, Big D. I may have let one goon get too close, but I won't let any more Marcuses slip through the cracks. From now on you can call me the enforcer!" Leo strikes a pose while we all just give him judgemental looks.


Leo had us lined up in the lab "The hammer is down, people." he looks over at Bre "No more talking to boys" He looks over to Adam "no more talking to girls" He makes his way over to me "no more going to the library" rolling my eyes Leo walks over and stands in front of Chase "no more helping old ladies to their cars!"

"I was helping your grandmother." Chase fires back

Leo gets up into Chase's face "Trust no one!"

Davenport runs into the lab excitedly "It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here!"

Bree looks over at him "What? What is it?"

Eddy pops up onto the screen "Whatever it is, I hope it came with a big box of masculinity, 'cause I never want to see that again."

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