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I woke up in the morning and was alone in bed. I frowned on empty Jungkook's place and climbed out of bed.

Ouch, I had a sting pain in my ass, Awesome, he fucked me and left....

I took a long and warm bath to low my pain. After it I had a call from my mom

Hi, mom

Are you in Japan, honey?

Yes, we are. We slept in hote last night. We landed later, and we didn't want to bothering you in the evening. I lied to her

Oh, you are such a sweethearts. So will you come today?

Ou, I guess so. Mom can I call you back?

Of course.



I hung up and called Jungkook

Hi, love. Did you slept well? You were sleeping hard, when I was leaving so I didin't woke you up.

Hi, yes I slept well. Jungkook, will we move to my parents, today? Mom called and asked me

Baby, I what if we spend a day with them, and return back in hotel for night?

I gasped. Ok, if you want it like that, If you want stay in hotel for a night. OK, then. I agree


Yes, you can stay here for your nights! I said angry, and hunged the phone. He called me back, but I didn't picked it up. I dressed up, took my luggage and left the room.

I called my mom

Hi, mom I will come alone, now. Junkook will join later.

Ok,baby. I'm waiting

Hello, honey. Mom yelled and ran to me, when I climbed out of the cab. She hugged me and kissed my whole face.

Oh, mom wait. I smiled. I must pay the taxi and take my luggage. I did it, and we walked to the house door. When my phone started to ringing again.


Where are you, Jimin?

At my mom's house. Why?

You packed your luggage



because we had a deal. I will spend this week with my parents

Can you just one time do, what I'm asking for?

Sorry, I didn't noticed, that you were asking for something. You just annoucended me, that you will stay in hotel. And I accepted this

Jimin, you really know how to piss me of.

Really? Am I pissing you of? Well maybe you should go back in France to your crush one!! I said angry and hunged up the phone.

What are.... that was the last wors what I heard before I hunged up. I went in house and mom served a breakfast. I turned off my phone and ate my braekfast.

After meal, I sat with my mom in living room and we talked. I told her everything. about Paul, about Jungkook and his family.

Emotions on her face was changed as I spoke more and more

So, he is married, he has 3 children. His wife is pregnant with another man, which is one of his best friends and his father in law offer you 5 milions dollars for leaving him, and you refused it because of his penis?

I scratched my neck, Oh, kind of. I said with nervously smile

Oh, Jimin. And you and his wife and their kids

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