The Truth

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(Noones POV)

Everyone was in the Flynn-Fletcher house (Except Isabella) and were in the living room. Phineas and Ferb were happy because their cousins Dipper Pines and Mabel Pines were visiting for the summer. Phineas was getting bored of playing Electroman Adventures so he broke the 2 hour silence with: I'm bored, What shall we do now? Baljeet pumped up with "Oh Yeah! I almost Forgot to tell you Phineas!" Phineas replied with "What is it?" "ISABELLA HAS A CRUSH ON YOU!" Baljeet  shouted. 

(Phineas POV) 

What? Isabella had a crush on me?  I turned to every single bloody person in the room. Even my British stepbrother, Ferb had agreed. That's when it all started making sense.


That helmet looks so manly.

YOU had ME at OUR Grandchildren.

That's not the Phineas Flynn I fell in---- to this situation with.

Hmmm.. That's too bad. I thought the Two of you, A BOY, A GIRL, TOGETHER IN THE CITY OF LOVEEEE *Breaks Pencil with her BARE PALMS like how is that possible?*


I looked down in shame not knowing what to say. Buford broke the silence saying "You know it isn't too late to make Phinabella a reality". He's right! I gotta get to Isabella as soon as possible! Action speed musak to fit: 

I reached her house, funny enough she wasn't there.

Thanks for Reading guys! Part 2 will be out soon...

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