Slipping through my fingers 💔

Start from the beginning

Mary only nods proudly and walks to a small mud pit before taking a small amount of mud in the palm of her hand. "Mary..." Y/n speaks in a warning tone and takes a few steps away from her. But before she can react any further, the mud hits her right at the stomach, painting her light dress brown. Y/n looks shocked at the laughing Mary who is now the one holding her stomach. Without further thinking, y/n takes a handful of mud as well and throws it at Mary, starting a whole new fight.


Lilith's POV

I ring the bell to the Roger's apartment, and the door is opened quickly by a blonde boy who I know and love so well. "Good day Mrs. y/l/n." He smiles innocently at me and lets me inside. I take my coat off and hand it on the rack and walk with my daughter's friend further into the apartment. "How are you Steve? I'm sorry y/n couldn't come with me today, she is with Mary." I give him an apologetic smile. I would lie if I'd say I haven't seen his short look of disappointment when he saw that it was only me standing in the doorway.

He quickly waves his hand to indicate that it's not a big deal, but I can see right through him. "No problem Mrs. y/l/n. I am sure she is having fun." Oh, indeed she has. My daughter is always a very energetic ball whenever she's with Mary. I just hope Michael won't be awake when she gets home...

"Lilith! How wonderful you could make it." Sarah comes in my direction with open arms and her typical warm smile on her face. I hug her and we sit down at the round dining table while Steve goes into his room. "How are things at home darling?" Sarah asks me as she fills our cups with delicious smelling tea. Setting the teapot down on the table, she takes a seat in front of me and looks at me, awaiting an answer.

I take a slow sip of my tea to push the subject as far away as possible. How am I supposed to reply? Good, would be a lie. Bad, would turn unnecessary focus on me. I can feel her burning stare and I notice I have been silent for too long and she already has her answer to her own question.

"They're okay Sarah, thanks." "Come on Lily. I still see the bruise on your neck, no matter how hard you try to hide it with a scarf. You have to get out of there Lilith! Quick!" I set my cup down and meet her gaze. She's holding her tea in both of her hands and stares at me while I stir the teaspoon in my tea. "It's not that easy, Sarah." I answer after putting the spoon back down. "What if I were to leave him? He would take the kids and I'd be poor and alone." I continue and take the mug between my hands again before taking a small sip of the hot beverage. "Is that what you want? Leaving the girls alone with this man while I'm living on the streets?!"

Sarah sighs and places her hand on mine to give me comfort. "Of course not Lilith. I am just worried about you. You are my friend and y/n and Lucy are like the daughters I've never had. I want to look out for you three." She sounds really sad. As if this situation affects her as much as it affects me and the girls. I imagine it might be. If we were to switch roles, I also would be so worried about her. "I know Sarah." I smile at her and take her hand in mine. "And I appreciate your concerns but you don't have to worry. He doesn't hurt the kids as much anymore."

"Is that supposed to make me feel calm? He still hurts you!" She's not wrong. He may haven't hit the kids in a few months but he is definitely not afraid to raise his hand at me. Which explains the many bruises I have where I spent way too long trying to cover them up, knowing people will still see them. But look away. "Lilith..." I hear Sarah's soft voice and get pulled back in reality when she rubs my arm, comfortingly. I look at her and can't hold back the single tear that is now rolling down my cheek. "I know it's terrible Sarah. God I know that! And I've tried so hard to protect my girls from him." I whisper, knowing my voice breaks immediately when I speak louder. Sarah only nods understanding and continues to rub my arm as she listens to me. "Michael hasn't hurt the kids physically in the last months. I got him not to. Sarah there is no way for me out of this. I can't leave him, but I also can't get him to stop drinking and begin to care about this family again. I know it, I've tried. Multiple times. And I failed every time.

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