"Dammit." I told Sable to organize the stuff here! Is she incompetent?

I located my keys and thanked God silently. Outside my office, I hastily slipped into my jacket while striding to the elevator.

"Mr. Sylvan." Sabe had a box in hand, her ankles wobbled in those high ass heels. "I've notified the client of your meeting, please be in the conference room by ten."

"Reschedule," I growled and stabbed the button, almost damaging its core.

She stood there with her jaw hanging open as the doors closed. I clamp my eyes shut, listening to the trashy elevator music. My heart pounded with a mixture of fear and apprehension. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. Olly, I thought you trusted me enough to let me know what you're going through. As I walked out, my joints jangled and shook as if they were disconnected.

The fire inside me was dying, her smile kept me sturdy. Grounded. I'm afraid I might not get the chance to see it again.

Mrs. Fairway greeted me, "Good morning Mr. Sylvan. She tilted her thick-framed glasses down her chubby nose, "Heading out?"

My faithful secretary. Other than my mother, she pays keen attention to me.

"Yes." Gazing out at the dark heavy clouds, a crack burst right through my heart. How lonely she must be.

She stares at me like a freshly wounded puppy. I whined, hoping she wouldn't press questions.

"I'll hold the fort, go where you need to be."

"Thank you." Grateful for her more than anything, I slipped out the nearest exit.

Thunder crashed and the wind howled, taking tiny pieces of debris with it. The air stings my lungs, raising goosebumps over my skin. I inhaled and exhaled rapidly the scent of fresh dirt mixed with dried leaves as I strided to my car.

"Stormme!" The heavy thudding of footsteps made me turn. Caspian pulled his thick hood over his head, smirking like an old pirate dog the entire time.

I grit my teeth, unlocking the door. "I don't have the time to stay and chat."

He squeezed my shoulder. "Come on buddy, you look like you need a drink. I'll pay."

"I don't have time for all your shenanigans." I brushed his hand off and entered the car.

He gets in and shuts the door, "I haven't seen you since high school." he gave me a conspiratorial wink. "Now you're engaged. Didn't think you're the type to settle down."

Talk about bad timing. I ignored him, carefully reversing the vehicle. We did a lot of dumb shit in high school, released frogs in the girls' bathroom, and almost set the cafeteria on fire.

"As much as the girls disliked us as a team, they were all over you. I didn't stand a chance." He turns on the music, moving his shoulders to the beat. "Where are you going?"

Should have asked me that before you got in my damn car. I clenched the steering wheel, preparing for the worst.

He groaned leaning against the dashboard. This guy reeks of cigarettes and sex. I need to get him out fast.

"You're giving me the cold shoulder? I guess you got nothing to do with a guy like me." His lips curled with bitterness.

"I have my priorities, getting wasted or arrested isn't one of them."

Looks like a storm's coming. I need to get to the hospital before the rain pours.

"Because you're successful now, you think you're better than me?" He held his head down, shoulders tense. "I hate people like that."

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