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Chapter sixteen.



  I stayed with Vincent all night last night. Just as he asked. Now, I'm making him breakfast, because I still need to have a small chat with him.

I could hear his soft, quiet footsteps padding down the stairs. I smiled softly. He's wearing an adorable outfit with a blankie in his arms.

"Good Morning, Vincent!" I said cheerily and he nodded a little. "I made breakfast." I said with a sweet tone and he hummed in response.

"Thank you." He said with a soft, sleepy tone. I place down a plate of pancakes in front of him.

Once we finished eating, I told Vincent I needed to speak with him. He looked quite anxious, so I made sure to reassure him that it was nothing bad and that it was only about punishments and what I can and can't do for them.

"You actually care about how you punish me.?" My boy asked with a confused, but slightly happy tone. "Of course I do! You have no idea how much I care for you.." I said and he smiled a little. It made my heart melt, he's so cute.

"If you feel uncomfortable at any point, don't be afraid to tell me. Alright?" I said so he understands that he can always be honest with me and trust me. Vincent nods.

We talk about boundaries and what he's okay with. He's okay with time outs, early bed, no sweets and no electronics, but he's not okay with anything that could cause him physical pain. After he tells me this he apologises. I hug him and tell him that there is nothing he has to apologise for, I made sure to reassure Vincent, he should know that I'll never be mad at him for his boundaries.

Once we've finished talking about it, I tell him that we are going out later with Sebastian and he rolls his eyes. "Link and Jacob are also joining us."


Once we go over that stuff about punishments, Zander tells me that we are going out later with Link, Jacob and (unfortunately) Sebastian. "Does Sebastian have to come with us?" I say with a slight whine in my voice. "Yes, he needs to get out the house more." Zander says. "So no complaining because I'm sure Jacob and Link don't want to hear you two bickering the whole car ride." I roll my eyes at his words. He's acting like we bicker all the time. We don't, do we?

Zander then says he is going to start getting ready and if I need anything he'll be in his room. I nod and go outside to the back garden. I lean against the wall, and light a cigarette. I sigh and breathe in the intoxicating smoke, I then blow it out watching as it rises into the air. I take another drag.

A little later, I put the cigarette out and flick it away from me. I go inside and go up to my room. I then get in the shower, washing my hair and body. I avoid looking at the mirror, not wanting to see the disgusting scars of my past that fester on my body. I leave the bathroom and go to my walk-in closet, where I find some clothes. I don't know where we're going so I message Link and he says he's wearing some shorts, an oversized hoodie, some socks and some converse.

I then look at what I have and I grab a jumper, some mom jeans, some socks and shoes. I put them all on and then dry my hair and style it.



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