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I have been what I call 'writing-horny'. I have the desire to write. I also have been staying up until 3 AM because I'm off with Covid anyways. Oh well.

Also how was there a hate account for Conan's belly button? Like hello?! I'm obsessed with his stomach. He has a good torso, ok?? Like how does one get that?? Don't go hating on me. I saw the tracklist post announcement, and there was a video from a fan directly in front of him looking up, and I was like "Damn that angle 🥵😳😏"

"My legs are tired," He groans, and I roll my eyes at him'

"Okay, loser- we've been walking for like five minutes!" I reply slapping his shoulder lightly with the back of my hand.

"Hey," he whines, pouting slightly. "Don't sass me. Besides, this basket is heavy! I packed way too many delicacies for the love of my life to be bullying me about it! Poor me, I go through all this effort and for what? To be bullied. Guess it's time to go and write another album-"

"Oh alright," I chuckle, pressing my lips to his cheek quickly as we walk, "I'm sorry Coney baby. I'm happy you put so much effort in."

"It's okay. I know you were joking teddy bear," he grins squeezing my hand. "Alrighty, love, pick a spot, any spot, wherever you want to sit."

I point towards a small patch of bright green grass which is one of the very few devoid of flowers. It's right next to the park's lake, which is filled with a couple dozen ducks that swim around chattering noisily to one another. He nods in reply, setting down the basket and spreading out the blanket carefully so that we don't smother any of the flowers. 

He offers me a hand to lean on while I climb down and spread myself out. He follows, sitting in front of me with his back to me then pulling the basket onto the silky sky-blue checkered blanket with us before he plops his head back down into my lap.

"Comfy?" I tease, and he closes his eyes as if relishing in his own mind and the thoughts that play off my words. His lashes are long enough to brush over his cheekbones

"I'd be much more comfortable if you ran your fingers through my hair right now," he hums teasingly, and I roll my eyes down at him. Despite the rebellious action, I still let my fingers tease his hairline, slipping up his scalp and earning a groan of contentedness.

"You better be thanking god right now that I'm holding back- my brain is running wild with evil hair decoration ideas that I have for you right now," I announce.

"Well? Please share, Y/n, don't leave me hanging!"

"Can I braid your hair? Or are you hungry?" 

"No, keep playing with my hair. Go ahead and braid it. I don't care about food- make me look pretty, Y/n," he instructs me. I tap my finger on the end of his nose quickly, booping him and grinning like a mad woman.

"Alright, sit up for a second," I tell him, and he reluctantly leans forward while I pluck a few daisies and the other 'wild' flowers the city park committee has spread the seed for to grow here. Conan grabs some too, but swats my hand away as he leans back when I go to grab them.

"They're not for my hair," he grins, piercing the stem of one of the daisies with his thumbnail and slipping the stem of another through the fresh hole. He repeats the process, humming to himself, while I start creating a braid on one side, weaving the stems of the smaller flowers so that all you can see are their faces. I do the same with the other side until the two braids join together. I slip the elastic band from around my wrist and tie it at the end of my creation, tucking in a larger flower at the end to complete it.

"Sit up, I'm getting numb," I chuckle, and he does, swivelling around to place his new creation atop my head.

"Ta-da! I made you a flower crown!" he announces, leaning in to press a quick kiss to my lips, leaving me buzzing and slightly flustered. He pulls out his phone and angles it towards me, snapping a quick photo, "You look so pretty!"

"Thank you," I mumble, although my stomach finished the sentence with a growl louder than my words. "Now what did you pack for us?"

His face lights up as he remembers, and he opens the basket up, placing container after container out each containing something different.

"I bought lots of options because I figured we'd be hungry. I purposely didn't have breakfast, and there's probably going to be leftovers for lunch tomorrow too."

"That was a really smart idea, less work for us later. More time to chill."

"That's what I figured."

I work with him to pull each lid off. There are two cupcakes with pink frosting, sushi, mini sandwiches, chocolate-coated strawberries, a small container of Greek salad, chocolates, cheese and crackers, and a bottle of lemonade with two plastic cups.

I reach for a sandwich quarter, plucking the bread off of it and setting the rest down on a paper plate. 

"Here duckies!" I call out, reaching my arm out with the piece. But Conan lunges forward to pull it out from between my fingers and tosses it back onto my plate with precision.

"Nononono," he fusses, "You can't give them bread! It's not good for them! You don't want to hurt the duckies!" 

"It's fine in moderation," I point out, but he shakes his head again defiantly.

"Still! Bread doesn't have any nutrition! Besides, I bet everyone thinks that and gives them bread because it's 'fine in moderation' but then they end up getting too much because everyone thinks that!" he reaches into the picnic basket again and pulls out a tiny container that he opens up to reveal birdseed. "Here, give them this instead. It's better for them!"

"Dang, you really thought of everything, didn't you?"

I take the container, and toss out small pinches at a time, which the ducks rush greedily to get, gobbling up each tiny seed with content little quacks.

"They like you," he smiles, "You've tamed the local wildebeest!"

"Yes, they're usually quite vicious. Just ask Layla- she's terrified of them!"

He scoffs, "Seriously?! Of ducks?" he points towards the creatures, some of which are waddling back to the lake because they can't find any more seed, their tail feathers swaying goofily behind them as they walk.

I nod, going to make a quip about my friend's irrational fear due to 'childhood PTSD' as she calls it, but then my stomach growls again, and I get distracted. The reminder makes me smirk, reaching for the strawberries and popping one in my mouth. The chocolate melts on my tongue and the fresh, the fruitiness of the strawberry follows, blooming in a sweet, sugary bomb. Between us, we work through the 'delicacies' until we're both full and completely satisfied. There's enough left for us both, somehow, to have lunch tomorrow.

My skin radiates with heat from being in the sun, making me grateful to have applied sunscreen earlier in the morning. I groan with the bliss, letting myself fall back onto the blanket. It's cool against my skin from being in the shade, and the feeling is heavenly. Conan follows beside me, then shimmying to snuggle into my side, burying his face in my neck and kissing my collarbone. 

"Mmm," he mumbles, "You're warm, teddy bear." His arms slide around me and pull me towards his body. He settles into my side, finally ceasing his wiggling, words slipping from his mouth like warm honey as he presses gentle kisses to my neck. "You look so pretty, Y/n. And you smell amazing... I might have to steal your soap again. Also, how is your hair so soft?" 

His fingers work their way through my hair, careful to not move my flower crown, "A crown fit for my queen." 

"Mmm-hmm, the duck queen."

"The duck queen? More like the queen of my heart," he breathes, and I cringe a little, except I can't restrain the laugh that spills from me. "Oh lord, that was really cheesy. I take that back," he groans, "Queen of the ducks it is."

Make Us Play Forever? Conan Gray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now