Team captain?

That's gonna be so big for him!

"Yeah Hyun you should totally go for it, you're the best player on team!"

I could see that he was happy but he was also looking a bit insecure.

"You guys think I can do it?" He wasn't very certain if he could take up such a role, although he really wanted to.

"Most definitely! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity and you were the one who said that you wanted make the last year of school more fun." Jeongin suggested.

"True... maybe I should really do it." Hyunjin smiles at the thought of being the school captain and leading the soccer team that he loves so dearly.

(Btw all of Stray Kids are in the soccer team, adding a few other guys at school)

The rest of lunchtime, all of us had a lot of fun chatting and eating our food together. Maybe hanging out with friends at school really is a good idea...

Time skip to after school

I would be walking home with my 'boyfriend' right now but he had tryouts and an interview for competing to be school soccer team captain. It takes a lot of time and I had to study for upcoming tests so he told me to just go home by myself. I really hope he gets the captain ship...

Today was so different from every other day. I hung out with all my friends, on campus! It was so much better than I thought. I actually enjoyed school and it makes me excited for what's going to come tomorrow.

As I was walking down the street, I see a familiar figure standing by a children's park. It was a guy who looked quite familiar to me but I couldn't point out who it was...

I decide to just let go and continue walking home, I'm not in for a conversation with someone random right now.

But he had other plans.

"Hey hey, you're goody two shoes right? Y/N, it's been such a long time!" The guy say in a half-laughing and surprised tone as he approaches me.

My heart stopped at the voice.

It was Eric. The guy who used to like me when we were younger but when I rejected him he wouldn't leave me alone. We were only in grade 6. He would follow me around everywhere and bully me with every chance he got. He even tried hurting me physically a few times but thank god I had my trusty best friend with me at all times. Hyunjin and Eric didn't like each other at all. In fact they despised each other because of me.

He tried reaching out to me even after we went to middle school. He wasn't in the same school as me but we would usually bump into each other on the streets or he somehow would get my number and text me nonstop. Thankfully that has stopped but now I'm seeing him right in front of me. What do I do? Should I run?

I put on an awkward smile and greet him back.

"Oh hey Eric! Didn't expect to see you here."

"Oh I was just strolling around. What about you, coming home from school?" He said in a slightly mocking tone. He always mocked me for taking studies seriously unlike him.

"Yup... that reminds me, I have to go now, there are quite a lot of tests I need to prepare for." I give him a stupid smile before trying to walk away...

... but he blocks me with his arm.


I sigh and look at him.

"What do you want?"

He laughs at my reaction and moves closer to me.

"Hold your horses missy, we met after such a long time. We should totally go grab some coffee together!"


Yea sure.

He's gonna make fun of me and try to make me feel bad for rejecting him when we were literal children. Why isn't he over it yet?

"I'm so sorry but I have to go, maybe another time?" I try to be as polite as I can.

He sighs and his expression changes to a more annoyed one.

"Fine, I'm letting you go this time but the next time I see you, you're mine." He says and walks away.

What the hell?


He wasted so much of my time, I better head home now.

When I got home I saw my mom preparing dinner and my dad doing some of his office work on the couch.

I smile and greet both of them before going up to my room.

After such an exhausting day, I decide to freshen up and plop onto my bed and scroll through my phone.

It was all ok until I come across this one post on Instagram...
Author's note: what's good y'all? I've been very sick for the past week and had high fever. I couldn't even move and went to school for only 2 out of 5 days. I'm feeling better now although I still have a cough and sore throat but that's getting better too.

I'm trying to add some drama into the story and I have thought of A LOT so stay tuned~<3

Campus Couple | A Hyunjin ffWhere stories live. Discover now