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Hyunjin and Y/N always had an unbreakable bond, they are like chopsticks who never left each other's sides. Their parents were best friends and that resulted in Hyunjin and Y/N knowing each other since they were babies. Although Hyunjin is 4 months older than her, Y/N loves to baby him around, she always buys him gifts and treats him with things. Hyunjin on the other hand likes to give her warm hugs from time to time to show his appreciation, he also loves writing her little letters to remind her of how important she is for Hyunjin.

Their personalities are VERY similar. They're both sweet, loving, but also chaotic. Both of them are INFPs but that's not all, even their habits and hobbies are the same. They both love art, including performing arts and visual arts. They both laugh and hurt themselves the same way, they both have a habit of pouting in random situations, they both have a habit of standing with the pregnant pose, et cetera et cetera... But at school, none of the two act like themselves.

They are both currently in the last year of high school, at the same school, in the same class, but they rarely interact at school, why? Although people would think they hang around with each other even at school because of their close friendship, it's not the case. Hyunjin is extremely popular for his looks and sweet personality, girls DROOL over him. He used to like the attention, but as time passed, it irritated him how he couldn't be left alone for even a second to breathe. And then there's Y/N, who keeps herself quiet and reserved all the time, she doesn't even glance at Hyunjin so as to not get hate from those delusional chihuahuas who follow Hyunjin around like little ducklings follow their mother.

In terms of studies... well Y/N is a smartie pants, and it's her dream to be in medical college, and Hyunjin is more on the sporty side, he likes to play soccer with his homies—StrayKids. While Y/N actually likes learning at school, Hyunjin finds his only source of entertainment at school in his best friends and Y/N. As he says, even just seeing Y/N makes his day.

Author's note: I've literally never written a single story in my life but I just suddenly had an idea to make one, let's see how this turns out🤭

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