Dizzy Lizzy and the Flip Flops

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538 words

I woke up this morning in a tizzy.

I look at the clock, it makes me dizzy.

One flip flop is under my bed, where’s the other one?

“Mom, have you found my flip flop cause I need to run.”

Mom yelled back, “Lizzy, look everywhere.”

“Your brother always wants you to share.”

“It may be up high.”  Says mom with a sigh.

“I don’t want to climb.”  Says I. 

Time is ticking by.

I’m rushing.  I had to fly.

I pushed books out of the way. 

I’m having a bad day.

This room is a mess.

I find a dirty dress.

I can’t find what I need.

I find a book I can read.

I think I left a flip flop in the bathroom.

I use a broom.

I find a sash.

It’s going to clash.

“Where is it mom?”  I cry.

This place is a pig sty.

I can’t wear anything else.

Everything else smells.

Where do I look?

It’s not in a book.

I move furniture around.

All I find are cookies on the ground.

I rush to the toybox.

There’s nothing there but blocks.

I’m mad, I sit and think.

For this is a big stink.

I moan and groan.

My time is almost blown.

The bus is coming soon.

I look faster humming a tune.

Mom yells, “Put on a different pair of shoes.”

Inside I yell boos.

“I can’t go to school, other shoes aren’t cool.”

Mom asks, “Why, because the flip flops rule?”

I ask, ”What’s that?  Oh, it’s just slippers”.

I trip over some flippers.

I like those slippers because they’re new.

No, that won’t do.

“Oatmeal is turning into a brick.”  Hollers mom.

I can’t find them, it’s a cold trick.

“Time is ticking by.”  Says mom.

I need to fly.  Says I.

What do I do?

The other shoes aren’t new.

I sob, I pout, I scream.

Oh look, a tube of cream. 

No one’s helping me.

Did my flip flop flee?

They’ve got to be here.

I frown, my eyes begin to tear. 

I throw my blanket in the air.

All I find is my bear.

That makes me laugh.

Ow, I step on a toy giraffe.

My brother laughs at me.

He dances with glee.

I growl and scowl.

This is just foul.

I flop on my bed.

My face is red.

I kick my feet.

I find a soccer cleat.

Mom comes into my room.

She has a broom.

“I’m going to have a fit.” 

“You still haven’t found it?”

Mom says, “Clean up this mess.”

“Start by putting away that dress.”

“I will.”

It’s ten till.

I don’t know where to look.

I’ve looked behind every book.

I’ve searched behind every game.

This is lame.

I pick up my backpack, it’s upside down.

My face turns into a frown.

The shoes fall out.

I no longer pout.

Mom bellows, “That’s great.”

“Lizzy, you’re not going to be late.”

“Next time, put them away.”

“The bus is in a delay.”

Everything is good.

I’m in a happy mood.

My feet are dancing.

My heart is jamming.

I can go to school.

My shoes are cool.

It’s a good day.

I flip flop all the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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