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A bolt of lightening struck the forest, igniting the tree, the blaze so fierce that Emily could feel the heat through her open window, as she sped down the highway, desperately trying to escape the approaching storm. She frantically tapped on the steering wheel, picking up a rythm, as she drove; the only thing keeping her from panicking. She cut it too fine. The dark grey clouds overhead poured water down mercilessly, and her car started to skid on the wet surface.

"Turn! Emily, turn left here! What are you doing?" A rushed voice came from the back seat.

"I-I- the car's o-out of control!" She screamed, attempting to force it back on course.

"Emily what are you doing, I-I don't w-wanna die!" wailed the voice.

"Will you shut up, I'm trying to concentrate here!" she yelled back, but it was too late; the car rolled over, spinning off the road and towards the beckoning flames. It managed to stop inches from the flames but Emily's head hit hard against the steering wheel, fresh, hot blood tricking down her forehead. She tried the door, but it wouldn't budge. Smashing the window, she climbed out, dazed. She gazed around at her surroundings before realising that there was a kid still in the car. A kid she very much disliked but she couldn't leave him there. She kneeled down to have a good look through the window, her back aching with every movement.

"Kasper, can you hear me? I want you to try coming towards me, and cough if you can hear me!" she yelled, listening hard for a reply. She cursed under her breath when there was none, and shuddered at the thought of going back into the car.

"My dear, you seem to be a little - ah - distressed. Is there any assistance I may provide for a young lady as lovely as yourself?" she heard a strong male voice say from behind her. That seemed to anger her. She stood up and turned to the man, "No, I'm having the time of my life here! My brother is stuck in the car and you think i'm distressed? Are you stupid?" She turned back and attempted to smash the window but she didn't have enough power in the punch. Her heart was beating hard against her chest and her stomach fluttered. Silent tears fell down each cheek.

The car ignited, the leaking fuel meeting the flames in a beautiful yet deadly fusion, and the stranger dragged her away from the car.

"There's no chance of saving him, you'll kill yourself!" he yelled as she screamed, trying to pull away, but his strength was too much for her. "Stay here, call 911. I'm going to save your brother, but STAY HERE."

As the man ran back to the car, Emily stood staring after him for a moment. She was shaking. Then, she ran after him. Did he really think she'll just wait?

As she approached the car, she saw her 8 year old brother in the arms of this man. Well, she saw their silhouette. The man ran towards her, shouting at her to get back, that the car was going to explode. Once they were a safe distance away - away from the burning forest, away from the exploding car - the man set Kasper on the ground. The man looked at her and said, in a voice dripping with regret "Look, lady, I'm sorry. He inhaled too much smoke. Kid was gone by the time I got to him. I'll call for help, but is there anything I can do in the meantime?"
Emily let out a loud wail, cradling Kasper's head. "No, he can't be! He just can't! He's the only thing I've got." She kissed every inch of his blood-soaked face.

The man withdrew, his face a mask of anguish as he left her to her grief, calling for help as he did. She hadn't realised until he was gone, but his presence was somewhat comforting. She regretted her behaviour the moment his silhouette disappeared round the corner.

The car exploded, fragments of glass and metal flying everywhere, and she realised that was the direction he'd been heading in. Her eyes widened, but her shoulders slumped in relief as she saw him running towards her. Seeing the concern on her face, he pulled her into a hug, whispering "It's alright, I'm fine. Help's on the way," and she rested her head on his chest, noticing the smell of sweet apples.

Sirens broke the silence minutes later and the three were taken to safety. Of course, Kasper was declared dead instantly and the man? Well, that was the first and last time she saw him... Until recently.

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