The Death Of A Hand

Start from the beginning

"Uncle, it’s quite alright."

Lancel walked away.

"They call themselves sparrows. Bloody fanatics. Religion has its place, of course, but at a certain point… They nevr would have come to the capital when Tywin was alive.

"I’m sure he’ll grow out of it. Whatever it is. Excuse me."

"Of course."

Cersei walked away, grabbed a glass of wine, and headed to a room alone. After some time, Lancel approached her again.

Aelinor had seen him and decided to follow. There was something different about him and she didn't know if he had incurred any dangerous tendencies.

She stood nearby, behind a pillar, leaning against, it doing her best to put on a .

"Your wounds from the Blackwater seem to have healed." Her mother said.

"It wasn't my wounds that needed healing."

"What can I do for you?"

"You can forgive me."

"What could you possibly have done to warrant my forgiveness?"

"I led you into the darkness."

"I doubt you’ve ever led anyone anywhere."

"I tempted you into our unnatural relations. And, of course, there was the king. His boar hunt. His wine."

"I don’t know what you’re talking about."

"I’m a different person now. I found peace in the light of the Seven. You can too. They watch over all of us, ready to dole out mercy… or justice. Their world is at hand. I will pray for your father’s soul."

Cersei laughed. "The day Tywin Lannister’s soul needs your help…"

Cersei took a sip of wine and watched Lancel walk away.

Once she was sure he was gone, Aelinor entered.

"Ah, mother! There you are!" She came to a stop in front of her. "Was that your cousin Lancel? What happened to him?"

"The Sparrows apparently."

"Ah, as in the High Sparrow?"

"You've heard of them?"

Aelinor shrugged, taking a seat nearby. "People talk. Besides, wasn't it you who told me it is a mother's job to look out for possible threats to her children?"

"Yes," Cersei agreed. "What do they say about this High Sparrow?"

"He is very devout to the Seven... and, he has been rallying the smallfolk against our family."

"Hmm. Perhaps I should meet this 'High Sparrow' in person."

"Even if I advised against it, you would still do it. All I have to say is, be careful." She stood. "I'm sorry about your father. I know I said I couldn't wait for him to die, but I know he meant a great deal to you. Even if he wasn't good at acknowledging any of you, he is still your father."

"Thank you sweet girl."

"Well, I'll leave you to it."

She walked away, leaving Cersei alone for the second time that day.

Later that night, Loras lied in his bed with Olyvar. The duo was admiring his birthmark.

"It looks like Dorne," Olyvar suggested.

"No it doesn't."

"It does. That's the Sunspear bit right there. And that's where the mountains are. And over her is... Sunsnake? Stonespear?"


"Yes. Sandstone. Just there."

"Fine." They started kissing. "It’s Dorne."

"We should go there. I think we would have a lovely time."

"Judging by my experience, that would be wonderful. Dorne, Highgarden. Anywhere but here. Alas, I am married to the King's sister and we have a son."

They kissed and Margaery walked in.

"We’re late for dinner as it is."

"You’re very respectful." Her brother quipped.

"I’m very hungry." She closed the door. "What’s your name?"

"Olyvar, my lady."

"I’m afraid my brother is keeping the king waiting, Olyvar."

Olyvar kissed Loras then left the room.

"Perhaps you might consider being a bit more discreet?"

"Why? They all know about me anyway. Everybody knows everything about everyone. What’s the point in trying to keep a secret in a place like this?"

"You have a son now. An heir to Highgarden, and a wife who allows you to indulge yourself at court. In any event…" She threw Loras his clothes. "You shouldn’t keep our uncle and his intended waiting."

"His intended? Please. Tywin’s dead. That means no one can force Cersei to marry our uncle".

"Lucky him."

"Unlucky you.

"You think I want that woman married to my uncle?"

"If she doesn’t marry him, she doesn’t go to Oldtown. Which means she stays here in King's Landing. Which means you're trapped here with Cersei Lannister as your mother-by-law."




Loras was not sure what his sister was planning. But, if there was one thing he was sure of, Cersei would not like it.

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