-Where is Mr. Jack? - he asked one of the servants.

- he's going to stay as the goalkeeper, sir - the coach responded.

- Go call him, I want him with you two

The young man went out in search of Jack

-Colin with two is more than enough - Penelope claimed.

-Pen with two would be enough if you went alone, but you're going with Thomas.

Just a minute later Jack came out

-Did my lord send for me?

-Yes, I need the three of you to escort the two most important people in this house, I'm not going to send for you, you are at Lady Featherington's complete disposal, it is your responsibility to bring them safely to the house, understood?

"Yes, my lord," the three responded.

"My lord, you must notify the kitchen so that someone else is watching the door," Jack added.

-Thank you for telling me, I will do it.

After seeing that the carriage had disappeared in the distance, Colin entered the house to tell one of the maids that someone had to keep an eye on the door. Heavens, I must hire another man, he thought to himself.

Colin had been balancing accounts for hours, but he still couldn't send any correspondence because his employees were with Pen, and he didn't know the maids that well, only the housekeeper Amanda, but she had a lot to do.

A maid that the third Bridgerton almost didn't look came in with some tea, he thanked her and took it with three cookies, he returned to his duties, but began to feel sleepy.

-My lord are you fine? - said the young woman

Colin didn't understand why he suddenly felt so tired, he got up to go to bed, but started to wobble, was afraid would simply fall and hit his head, but the young woman helped him stabilize, one step after another and he had reached his bed. He saw everything blurry, he felt a weight off his body, the cold ran through his chest and he no longer felt the fabric on the upper part of his body. His weight was gone, someone had taken off his boots.

- You can leave now - with effort he manages to say.

-No my lord, I am not going to lose this opportunity, you have needs, so do I.

The third Bridgerton began to feel terrified.

What is happening? Whose voice is that? Why I do not see well? he thought desperately.

He felt a weight on his hip again, that person was naked, could feel her, she began to rub herself against him, Colin heard the moans. His head was confused, for seconds he let himself fall asleep, for others times he was panicking.

-Penelope, I don't feel well - he manage to stammer.

-I am not that insipid flower, I will show you what a woman is.

The weight was no longer on his hip, which relieved Colin, but he felt something wet on his member, he tried to look again thinking it was Pen, but the hair was dark not red.

Focus He told himself to call Cornelius but remembered that he was not there, Amanda! He looked around, the bell was close, he could glimpse it, but trying to move his hand was complicated, Come on, brain, control yourself, said to himself, because that person was sucking hard, but his member was not responding, use the blood to move my arm! little by little he felt the control of his hand, the third Bridgerton was breathing slowly to control his drowsiness, he finally managed to reach the bell, hung his hand on it, and tried to move it as many times as could, he needed help now.

-This damn one! - Jessica growled frustrated. Could I give him too much sleeping powder? - why can't you get hard!

"You're not Pen," he babble.

-That stupid girl is not even half the woman I am, I've been loving you for a long time my lord, that girl doesn't know how to satisfy you, you always have to do everything, leave it to me.

Jessica passed her breasts over Colin's face, put one in his mouth, the lord's member managed to harden.

-Oh is that it, do you like breasts? -The young woman smiled maliciously.

-My lord, can I enter? - Amanda said.

Jessica looked in horror at the door. It wasn't possible, Amanda was busy; now there was no way to escape, she had put enough sleeping pill in the tea to make Colin sleepy so that he wouldn't see her face, but not enough for him to fall asleep. did the same thing again with her breasts, at least wouldn't leave without what she wanted. She saw the baron's member harden a little more.

-My lord can you listen to me? -Amanda called again.

Jessica rushed to put Colin's member through her entrance, but it just went soft, she tried the breast thing again, but as soon as she wanted to put it in, it went flat again, due to the height difference it was impossible to be in both places at the same time. If I become pregnant, he will watch over me.


Penelope had arrived home, and she gave her son to Clarice to put him in the crib, she wanted to go straight to her husband for another innocent kissing session.

-Amanda? what's happening? -upon seeing the housekeeper at the door of her temporary room.

- My lady, the lord called insistently, but he did not tell me if I could enter.

Pen unlatched the door, but it was locked.

-Do you have the key?

- Yes my lady

The woman hurried to look for them among all the keys, while Penelope called her servants in case Colin needed help.

When she finally opened the door Penelope couldn't believe her eyes, Colin was having sex with another woman, even worse, it seemed like she was reaching her peak, then she looked at Colin's face, it was full of drool as if was poisoned.

"Look stupid how a man is satisfied!" The woman shouted - while she continued rubbing herself against Pen's member.

-grab her! -Penelope commanded as tears came out of her eyes.

Jack and the other two servants lifted her up, Pen saw Colin's member that seemed to have fallen asleep under the unbalanced woman's body. Well, she knew her husband's body very well. Pen covered her body with a sheet.

"Pen," Colin stammered, "is that you?" - Tears came out of his eyes.

-What did you give him? - Penelope shouted, that woman was just laughing. Pen slapped her

-I gave him what you haven't given him for months, now that I'm pregnant I'll be a real Bridgerton, not like you.

Penelope wanted to kill her, so she hit her again.

-You were the one who didn't help me when I almost drowned, right? You don't even know that getting pregnant must be inside you.

-I don't know why you just don't die!

-Mrs. Amanda, please make this woman wear clothes, send one man to the police and another to call the doctor.

-Yes my lady.

everyone left the room.

-My love, how do you feel?

Colin struggled to speak, but no words came out.

"Don't worry, the doctor is coming." Pen grabbed a bowl of water and a cloth and began to clean Colin, sobbing.

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