Monika: Bummer.

Grete: So we also have to make a plan against Caelus as well.

Monika: He's too damn strong like Teach.

Monika: And to think we have two monsters amongst us.

Caelus just didn't bother and decided to go outside and spend time in the garden.

Once he's out and spotted a comfortable spot on the garden, he climbed on a nearby tree and sat on the branch.

Caelus: Impossible Mission. Missions that contains 90% death rate even among first-rate spies.

Caelus: Inferno, the elite spy team who infiltrated the Galgad Empire, stole intel from them, and saved thousands of lives.

Caelus: They are the unsung heroes of the Republic.

Caelus: Inferno, the ideal spies of the Republic.

Caelus: But then.....I found out that Inferno happen to have another mysterious member.

Caelus: Hearth, Torchlight, Firewalker, Soot, Scapulimancer, Flamefanner, and Bonfire.

Caelus: And just like Lamplight who has eight members from the beginning, Inferno also does have an eighth mysterious member.

Caelus: The said member was so mysterious that our teachers from the spy academy where I graduated called that member as fiction.

Caelus: And they called that eighth mysterious member as......

Caelus: Ember.

Caelus: It was said that Ember specialized in assassinations.

Caelus: As the mysterious deaths of numerous key figures during the middle of the Great War was attributed to Ember.

Caelus: But our teachers claimed that is where Ember comes in, the ridiculous urban legend who was attributed to such deaths.

Caelus: Ember's name was spoken in the shadows, and no one knows if they really exist or not.

Caelus: Heh. But if they really existed.....then that means that spy did a job well done. Hiding in plain sight, where no spy can ever detect them.

Caelus: A name whispered among the nameless. A shadow that walks among the nameless.

Caelus: A blur between fiction and reality.

Caelus: Heh.

A few minutes later....Caelus decided he had enough spending time under the night sky and went back inside the mansion.

He went to see Klaus who just returned.

Caelus: Teach.

Klaus: !?

Klaus: Caelus...?

Caelus walks in front of his desk and taps it.

The Master Spy (Spy Kyoushitsu x Male OC) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat