"Good night," the doctor interrupted the couple's thoughts as he entered the room.

The third Bridgerton nodded, getting out of bed so the doctor could check on his wife.

Colin watched the doctor work, he saw how he made a small incision in the vein in the flexure of the elbow, the liquid was quite fluid, for what Colin had seen before, but refrained from giving any opinion, after all he did not want to worry more to his wife.

"Mr. Bridgerton please come with me," the doctor told him after finishing.

Colin nodded, winking at Penelope, trying to reassure his wife, who had an expression of fear drawn perfectly on her face. He followed the doctor into the hallway.

-What's wrong doctor, did she lose the baby?

-No, Mr. Bridgerton, but your wife is quite delicate, she has a high-risk pregnancy

Colin looked at the doctor as if he had two heads.

-What is happening, Mr. Bridgerton, is that your wife's body is not compatible with the baby, so the body is fighting to get it out of her- the doctor saw that the third Bridgerton did not understand him- pretend that a stranger enters your house, You don't know what his intentions are, so you throw him out of your home to protect your family. That is what your wife's body is doing, in her eagerness to defend herself from the baby, she is driving out the intruder.

-what should we do?

-She must be as calm as possible, I am talking not only about being in bed but also emotionally, nothing that disturbs her, no sudden movements, nor sexual relations. Basically nothing to alter your mood.

-for how long?

"Whatever is left of the pregnancy," the doctor responded.

-Why does this happen? I don't remember my mom going through something like that.

-It doesn't always happen to all women, but it is normal, it means that your wife's body functions comfortably.

-any special diet?

-None, she is a little anemic but nothing to worry about. She can eat whatever she wants.

-Thank you very much doctor.

-If she continue bleeding, don't hesitate to call for me.

Colin accompanied the doctor to the exit, after Cornelius paid him for his services that man left.

The third Bridgerton felt calmer knowing that despite the circumstances that situation was expected, it was in his power to keep his wife calm and in bed for the next five months. What worried him a little was not making love to her for that time. But it was a sacrifice he was willing to pay.

Upon entering his room, he found Penelope covered in tears.

-Hey, why are you crying? -He approached her, caressing her face.

-I lost it right? "I lost him," she said, sobbing.

-shhh shhh shhh -Colin said, stroking Pen's reddish hair- no, everything is fine, you're still pregnant.

Penelope looked at Colin with tears filling her eyes.

-really? -she told him.


Colin helped her sit up, he took off his boots, then he climbed onto the bed, sat against the headboard, put a pillow on his chest, picked up Pen and laid her against him, caressing her abdomen gently.

-Everything is fine, don't worry; the doctor said it was normal. You just have to stay in bed for a few weeks.

-really? -she asked again.

From fantasy to reality a Polin historyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum