-That's how it will be, said Daphne, when it arrives and you hold them in your arms you will forget everything else.

Colin took Pen's hand and kissed her before standing up.

-family I want to make an announcement.

They all looked at him. Pen started to shake his head, but Colin didn't see him.

-Pen and I are expecting our first child!

Congratulations began to be heard everywhere, Pen stood up because several of them began to hug her. One arm after another, she suddenly began to feel very hot, she was short of breath, she forced herself to sit down.

Little by little he recovered, he drank a little more water to reduce the embarrassment.

After dinner the couple returned in their carriage.

Pen got up very quickly when she got home, feeling quite dizzy. Colin took her by the arm and supported her against his body.

-are you OK?

-Yes, I felt a little dizzy for a second.

Colin did not let her go, on the contrary he lifted her off the floor as if she were weightless, going up the stairs with her, when they entered the room, he began to take off the pink dress she was wearing, the third brother saw the corset.

-Pen, you shouldn't wear that corset during pregnancy, it doesn't let you breathe well.

-But my mother taught me that I have to continue carrying it until the sixth month, then it is changed to a smaller one.

-Don't think I didn't see when my sisters hugged you, you were out of breath, not to mention a few minutes ago when you got out of the carriage.

Colin had completely undressed her, filled with tenderness when he saw the slight bulge on his wife's abdomen.

"I just got up too quickly," Penelope said.

-Tomorrow I will ask the doctor to come to check you out.

-Colin, seriously, it's not necessary.

Colin began to undress.

-I'm not negotiating.

The third Bridgerton entered the bed naked, settled behind Pen, and kissed her on the shoulder tenderly.

The following day, Pen woke up because of the heat in the room, Colin had her so tied to him that she felt like a knot, she gently took his hand, lifted up and put him to the side, then sat down, But Colin's leg was on it, it was harder to lift, so she opted to slide out

When she freed herself, she walked towards the large mirror above her dressing table, remembering when she and Colin had damaged the dressing table in her room at Audrey Hall. Which made her think, would that have been the night she got pregnant? She looked at her reflection in the mirror, from the front she looked the same, but from the side she could see the baby growing in her belly.

-Hello baby -she greet-- are you Ágatha? Or Thomas?

She started to smile stupidly, it was almost incredible that she was pregnant with the man she was always in love with.

-You look beautiful

Pen looked at Colin, who looked gorgeous, lying on his back.

-I woke you up?

He shook his head - I had another nightmare about someone taking you away from me, I was a little sleepy, but I woke up since I didn't feel you.

Penelope saw how another part of Colin's body was also awake and her mouth watered, lately her libido for her husband was growing like foam. But due to the morning sickness they had stopped doing it in the mornings, nor in the afternoons, because they both had a lot of work, at night they were so tired that they just went to sleep.

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