Normal day

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Characters: Ranboo Tommy Tubbo.

(Copying this from google docs💀😭)

It was a quiet night. The wind swept and blew things such as leaves and debris around. Ranboo, sat down on a near by bench just under a tree.

He was very annoyed with certain events that have been happening recently. It's a bother. but he just brushes it off every time someone brings it up. He doesnt wanna talk about it. He sighed, his tail flicked every now and then like a clock. *tic-tic-tic*

he shut his eyes relaxing himself to the best of his ablilites. Until. A slight rustle in the bushes came round. Ran, opened his eyes. He looked around. He called out in his soft monotone voice, "Hello?" Then two boys came tussling out, they ran after each other seemingly play-fighting.

It took a moment for Ranboo to register who these two were. The two boys were one, his husband. Two, Tommy. Tommys a mix match of emotions to everyone. Even he himself knows. The two the noticed Ranboos confused look. Tommy spoke in a quickened tone like he had been running. Indeed he had been.

"Ah! Hello Ran-" he crossed his arms trying to catch his breath. Tommys tail flicked and wagged wildly. Tubbo kinda just stood there also catching his breath. He sat next to Ranboo. Tubbo also pitched in, "Tommy was being an idiot and decided to challenge me so I ran around the area trying to get him. Let me tell you what. He's quick with himself." Tubbos voice trailed off as he rested himself on the bench.

Tommy laughed loudly. "Hell yeah- and i'll do it again." He exclaimed. Ranboo covered his ears. His hearing was sensitive. Once silence filled the area after Tommy and Tubbos resting. Ranboo chose his words and spoke lightly, "uhm, so. How are you guys?" He tilted his head, his tail raised and curved into a question mark.

Tubbo went to talk but Tommy interrupted, "my days been well king. Yours?" Tubbo tried to speak again the Ranboo cut him off, "it's could be better-" Tubbo crossed his arms. Ranboo looked at Tubbo- "Ah- sorry!" He instantly apologized. "You can talk now!"

Tubbo looked at him and shrugged "its okay." Tubbo then proceeded to say, "My day has been well. Hung out with Phil and Tommy and now i'm here." Ranboo smiled at that, "that's good" Tommys tail ticked and flicked round, just watching them talk. Tommy was clearly jealous of this but he now kept to himself not wanting to cause another fude between the three of them. AGAIN.  Tommy just simply threw a flower at the two. "Oi- i'm here too."

Tommy spoke his voice was less high energy and more normal now that he's calmed down. Ranboo looked at the flower Tommy had thrown and picked it up and just looked at it with a smile, "i like this one a lot-" Tubbo chimed in, "mhm!" Tommy stood and approached them. "So now that we're all you know. Here, what could we do? I got not a single idea for anything we could do." Tommy huffed.

Ranboo spoke as he leaned against the bench wall. "Hmm..we could explore and walk around y'know! Try to maybe build things-" he smiled warmly, he looked at Tubbo tilting his head, "what about your option?" Tubbo sighed before speaking, "we could- build a manor- like, like one big house for the 3 of us and pets. Decorate it and shit, with a farm, a basement you know! All the fun shit!" Tubbo smiled happily as he sat up staring at the two of the taller males. Ranboo and Tommy looked at each other nodding their heads.

"You know..that sounds like a good idea- but furthermore. Where would we build it?" Tommy spoke. "L'manburg? Somewhere near the outer border..because DreamXD is a bitch. And wont let us leave. But we can build there"

Both Tubbo and Ranboo nodded at that idea. They both stood up. Going to Tommy. They all walked off talking about building the manor and other things etc. 

(This is all im writing im lazy to continue i will continue this as i'm bored and motivation strikes hhh)

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