Distracted* (G!p)

804 11 1

You walk through the mansion, squeezing past people dancing and socializing amongst each other.

It was a huge mansion, yet it was very crowded due to how many people were here. These types of rager parties would be happening almost every weekend.

The loud music was booming through your ears, visibility reduced due to the dark lighting at the party.

This wasn't a new experience for you by any means. You would attend these parties regularly. You had many friends and acquaintances that had a lot of power and influence just like you.

You and your friends would always throw these parties to let loose and enjoy life away from the stress of your work. Most of you were upper leaders, but not the good kind.

It ranged from gang leaders and leaders of other criminal groups and backgrounds, to affiliations with the mafia.

Some of the people that would attend these parties would have been considered some of the most dangerous people in the country if the public knew of the 'jobs' some of these leaders do.

These parties were very much open to the public, and many people would attend as all they think is that it's a bunch of rich businesspeople enjoying life.

Luckily to this day nothing too bad has happened at any of these parties. The guests would drink their heads off and then move on with their life.

You all knew the potential dangers of this, you had rivals and enemies that would pounce on the opportunity to blow some heads off. You made sure to have the best safety measures you could just in case anything would happen.

You were very much respected as one of the biggest leaders. Although at first there were some struggles in power because you were a woman, but you quickly put anyone in their place that dared to question your authority.

You knew that you weren't a good person, you killed people when you needed to and we're partially responsible for so many more deaths.

You never felt guilty about it though, being and knowing that you're a terrible person gave you pleasure in a way.

Many people thought it was odd the way you worked, sure you had more money than anyone could ever need and you always took care of your members as long as they were loyal.

But they noticed that you never seemed to participate in the very stuff you distributed. Your main areas of expertise were money laundering and drug trafficking.

Although you were responsible for a lot of all types of drugs being sold, you never used them yourself. You knew that they weren't good for you but you distributed them anyway because you're not responsible for other peoples stupidity.

You rarely ever drank either, you used these parties to observe people, what they like and don't like to help improve your 'business'

Most times you wouldn't come down much for theses parties even if you were in the mansion. You would find some people to talk to, maybe find yourself a little date and go back to a room in the mansion to have some fun.

During this particular party, you were socializing more than usual, but mostly with people you already knew.

But as you squeezed past a few people you met a pair of beautiful hazel eyes across the room. You kept eye contact for just a few seconds as the music seemed to fade in your mind during the intense moment before you smirked and continued walking.

You couldn't believe the beauty standing across the room. You were mesmerized by her eyes and her beautiful blond hair. You felt like she was drawing you in but you resisted and kept walking.

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