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You couldn't quite recall what happened for you to end up in this situation. The last thing you remember is being at the bar with your friends and colleagues before excusing yourself to use the restroom.

The next thing you remember is your vision going dark before you pass out. You feel like death once you finally open your eyes, you look around and see that you are in an unfamiliar room.

You notice that you are tied to the chair you are sitting in. You groan in frustration as you realize the situation you are in.

You had no idea how long had passed, what time of day it was or how you even got here. But you weren't all that surprised ending up in this situation.

You worked for a secret government security agency and were recently leading an investigation on several suspects of committing federal crimes.

Once your investigation came to a close you unintentionally got dragged into working on a case of a serial killer. It wasn't your usual type of work but you were happy to do something different as your day to day work had gotten repetitive and boring.

You knew that getting involved and continuing to investigate serial killers will put a target on your back, bigger than ever before. But quite frankly, you didn't care.

You were unhappy and unfulfilled with your life for a while now. You were somewhat excited for a new riskier and hopefully more fulfilling task.

Now a few months into investigation you had actually managed to find out who this killer was. A woman who went by the name Villanelle.

You were intrigued by her. Over the time you were investigating and closely watching her every move you learned a lot about her and what type of person she is.

You could only assume this was her doing, knocking you out and bringing you here, whatever this place was. But it really didn't seem like her style so you were curious. She didn't seem like the type of person to go through all this effort.

She was more like get it over with on the spot and be done with it. But this, this would require a lot more patience not to mention the chances of getting caught drastically increasing since it's not easy to move a body without being noticed.

You were told of someone who was investigating this assassin before you. It was an unofficial investigation but you managed to get wind of their findings through a friend of a friend.

You knew that Villanelle had obsessive traits and had previously played this cat and mouse game with another agent, so you could only assume this is her goal.

Time goes by slowly as you sit in this blank room with only a chair and a table. It had only been about 10 minutes since you woke up, but it felt like hours.

Villanelle finally entered the room through the door behind you holding two glasses, about a third of the way filled with liquid.

You look at her briefly as she enters the room but you don't say anything. She walks around the table, now standing in front of you.

You hold eye contact as she places the two cups next to each other in front of you. You glance down at the cups before looking back up at her with a raised eyebrow.

You can see the smug smile on her face before she speaks. "One of these is poisoned. Whichever one you don't drink, I will" she says in an amused tone. She really seemed to be enjoying this.

You didn't give her the reaction she wanted. You didn't even bat an eye. You know what kind of games she plays with the people that 'hunt' her.

You stare at each other for a good minute "my hands are tied" you finally say in a monotone voice as she doesn't seem to realize or consider that you can't do anything.

One shots | Villanelle x reader (gxg)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum