Bonus Chapter: Floyd Meets the Lancasters

Start from the beginning

Charlie smiled and pecked his cheek. "You're precious, and you're going to be fine." She smiled softly. "They're rooting for you, you know." With that, she took his hand and led him into the living room.

"Charlie," her mother greeted fondly as they turned the corner.

"Mommy," Charlie replied with a big smile, letting go of Floyd's hand to give her mother a hug. Once they'd pulled apart she turned to her father and gave him a smile, too. "Daddy," she greeted him, and hugged him too.

If it was at all possible, Floyd became even more sickeningly nervous while watching the exchange. The fondness both of her parents had for her was clear. And, if he was honest, unexpected; he'd always assumed that parents who wanted to marry their daughter off for money instead of love must not have been very loving, but he understood now that he couldn't have been more wrong. It was simply a different way of life, he supposed. It was just what they did.

Charlie and her father exchanged a few words which Floyd couldn't hear but her mother clearly could, because she laughed before Charlie stepped back to turn to Floyd.

"Mom and Dad," Charlie began, smiling softly as she crossed back over to Floyd and took hold of his hand again, "this is Floyd. And Floyd, this is my mom and dad."

"It's a real pleasure to meet you," Floyd all but burst out in his nervousness. He seemed to notice his absurd volume because he visibly cringed. Awkwardly, he thrust out his hand towards Charlie's father. "It's great to meet you, Mr. Lancaster," he said, aware that his cheeks were bright red because of how they were burning.

Charlie's father eyed Floyd suspiciously as they shook hands, but he muttered a replied, "You too, Mr. Talbert," all the same.

Floyd nodded stiffly before turning to Charlie's mother. "I brought flowers," he blurted.

"I'll get them!" Charlie chirped. Before he could protest, she had disappeared back into the entryway, leaving Floyd alone with her terrifying parents.

It was Charlie's mother who took the initiative to save them all from the stifling awkwardness. "It's lovely to meet you, Floyd," she told him softly, and took hold of both of his shoulders to kiss both of his cheeks.

Floyd's shoulders relaxed with the familiarity of his first name and the gentle greeting. He smiled when she let him go. "It's really great to meet you, too, Mrs. Lancaster." His eyes widened as he looked properly into her face for the first time. "Your eyes are the exact same colour as Charlie's."

Her smile widened. She nodded. "They are." She laughed softly, like he'd surprised her. "She got her eyes from me."

"Then it's you I have to thank," Floyd replied, tucking his hands into his pockets to prevent them from fiddling. "The colour of her eyes is my favourite colour in the world."

Charlie's mother lifted a hand to her heart, visibly touched by his words, but before she could reply Charlie herself came galloping back in. "Got them!" she declared. presenting the bouquet of lilies proudly. She passed them to Floyd, who smiled sheepishly as he offered them to Mrs. Lancaster.

"These are for you," he told her, and only grimaced a little as he saw her notice how they were slightly crumpled. "They didn't hold up too well in my suitcase. Sorry."

Mrs. Lancaster brushed him aside. "Nonsense. They're gorgeous." She gave him a bright smile. "I'll go find someone to put them in a vase."

As Mrs. Lancaster turned to leave, Charlie started to tug on Floyd's hand. "I'm going to take Floyd to meet the staff!" she called to her retreating mother, already towing him behind her.

"Don't distract them from making dinner!" Mrs. Lancaster called back.

Charlie rolled her eyes where only Floyd could see her. "God forbid," she mumbled, leading Floyd into the dining room and then into a small corridor, and then into a room off of that corridor which turned out to be the kitchen.

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