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(3rd POV)

(Y/N) yawned as she woke up. Today was another school day. She took har uniform that was neatly folded on the chair near her bed and got ready to leave home. As usual there was no one waiting for her since she lived alone.

(Y/N) decided that she would just skip breakfast since she wasn't hungry.

As (Y/N) walked to school, her annoying powers activated. (Y/N)'s powers had three abilities, she can either see memories of people and objects, their future or present. Today she could see people's memories. She could see random memories of random people. A man walked his kids to school, a woman won a sales offer, a kid played with his friends yesterday, etc.

(Y/N) didn't like her powers, it gave her random unnecessary information. (Y/N) didn't even know why she had this powers, they were with her ever since she could remember. And worst of all, she couldn't control it. Her powers were truly useless.

".... (Y/N)-chan, (Y/N)-chan."

(Y/N)'s train of thought was stopped by her only friend, Tachibana Hinata.

"How are you, Hinata-chan?" greeted (Y/N)

"I'm good, (Y/N)-chan," Hinata answered with a smile "What about you?"

Honestly, (Y/N) could never understand how Hinata smiled like that, her smile was so sweet and genuine. (Y/N) could never smile like that.

"I'm fine." (Y/N) shrugged

The two girls walked to school together talking about random topics. As they reached school they took off their outdoor shoes putting on their indoor ones.

"See you later, (Y/N)-chan." waved Hinata

The (H/C) haired girl only nodded but that was enough to make the pink haired girl smile.

'Really,' thought (Y/N) 'I can never understand her. How can she smile this brightly?'

(Y/N) didn't know how to smile like this because it was complicated for her. Whenever she thought about smiling like Hinata, she can never show the same happiness. Maybe she is stuck with it, just like her loneliness and sadness. These are the things that will always stay with her. (Y/N) knew that pitying herself will do her no good so decided to head to her class as well.

The first person (Y/N) noticed was Hanagaki, the guy who sat behind her in class. Her ability suddenly activated.

She saw Takemichi in a train track and suddenly he fell forward. He must've been pushed. (Y/N) noticed that there was something wrong with this memory. In this memory, Takemichi seems older. There is no way she is seeing his future, she knows that she can't control her ability and that it can't suddenly change.

'What is happening?' thought (Y/N)

"... (L/N)-san, can I help you?" Takemichi broke (Y/N) out of her trance

"It's nothing," (Y/N) smiled sheepishly "I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something."

This situation was kind of embarrasing for (Y/N). Her powers always put her in troublesome situations. Most of the time, people actually thought that she was staring at them.

(Y/N) walked through the corridors after school with nothing on her mind. As (Y/N) passed the boys' bathroom, she overheard someone talking inside.

"We'll be doing an underground fight today too. Kiyomasa-kun just called me."

'An underground fight?!' thought (Y/N).

"And he said the fighter today is Takuya."

(Y/N) listened to the rest of the conversation before hiding behind a wall when she heard footsteps from the bathroom.

Seeing Through You (Tokyo Revengers x female reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora