eiko's uniform is just like kanao's but with a dark red haori and the black shoes or just imagine the skirt is muichirou's baggy pants instead :)

the girls immediately gushed about it.

"tokito san! your hero costume is AMAZING!" mina shouted with stars in the sky.

"yes! it makes you look like an ancient samurai or swordman!" hagakure added.

"thanks." eiko said, and they left to the bus.

eiko headed to the back of the bus, hearing iida have a melt down about how 'the bus wasn't what he imagined it to be'. she ignored him and proceeded to shut her eyes to gte some rest, but failed to do so due to the noise.

hence she shut her eyes and eavesdropped on the class's conversations.

"midoriya, your quirk reminds me of all might." tsuyu said.

"r-r-rea-lly?" 'that guy can't lie at all' eiko snickered in her head. it was obvious he was hiding something. and she was right when she heard him exhale with her sharp hearing, after that idea was shut down my kirishima.

"tokito san!" a loud voice was heard from the front of the bus. kudoto continued to close her eyes. "ashido, she's sleeping! don't disturb her!" iida said, hands chopping the air. "aw, i wanted to ask her about her quirk!" mina brightened up immediately soon. "we're here! tokito san wake upppPPPP!" mina jumped to the back of the class and eiko opened her eyes, clearly knowing what was going to happen.

she put her hand up, effectively stopping mina, as they chattered with sero and shoji while getting off the bus and into the usj.


timeskip to after thirteen's speech coz thats boring.

"where's all might?" she heard aizawa whisper to thirteen as the class gushed over the interior of the usj. all might? eiko had heard of him from her parents. wasn't he a hero and not a teacher? she shrugged, not caring as demon slayers don't get involved with heros unless there were demons involved or the government requested so.

the usj darkened as clouds covered the dome shaped building from outside. down in the plaza, a purple portal opened and out stepped villians and...

eiko froze. she sense the presnese of demons. yes, they were weaker than the 12 kizuki, but why were they here? her eyes scanned the place. the mist portal guy stood beside some guy with a hand over his face.

'that must be the leader, but he doesn't feel like a demon? i'm guessing someone with a cloud quirk is controlling the clouds that are blocking sunlight from enter through the ceilings.'  eiko analysed and before she knew it, she saw aizawa jumped down into the plaza and was mummyfying the villians and knocking them out.

the students panicked and they pressured kaminari to contact yuuei and thirteen tried to calm everyone down. "listen up students! i'm going to need everyone of you to follow me! quick! midoriya! stop looking at the aizawa, he'll be fine! we're going to yuuei to get back up right now-"

she was interrupted by the mist guy soon teleporting over to the students. "i'm afraid i can't quite allow you to do that. greeting, yuuei students, i am kurogiri. we are the league of villians and we are here to kill all might."

upon hearing 'kill all might', bakugo and kirishima jumped right at kurogiri. "get away right now!" thirteen had screamed, (a little too late, don't you think?) to which kurogiri responded by warping the students closest to him right into his warp gate, to all over the usj.

eiko got sucked in.

'just my luck'

eiko ended up in the ruins zone with bakugo and kirishima. she sensed a strong demonic presense 2 stories above her. so she dashed to 1 of the 2 exits, only for villians to enter from both exits.

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