I promise

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   The day has been awful before and Ranpo didn't feel like getting out of bed at all. He had an awful nightmare and his alarm didn't ring, making him be late for work.
  What a way to start a day, huh?

  Rays of sunshine fell on his half-sleeping face, making Ranpo squeeze his shut eyes tighter. He turned away from the interruption of his light slumber, pulling a blanket over his face and curling up to fit under it better.

  “Leave me alone...” he muttered, mad at the forces of mother nature that kept him up.

  All he wanted to do was tuck himself in the blankets and sleep forever, but no, the sun was still up, reminding him that it's still daytime and that he should be working. But why did it matter ? He was already late for work and you simply can't be late twice, so why not sleep just for a little longer?

  Apparently, he couldn't, because his phone ringing with Yosano's contact and number shown on the screen couldn't mean anything he could pass because of demotivation to get up from his bed.

  Ranpo forced himself to sit, rubbing his tired eyes before reaching out to grab his phone and hear what was the reason behind her call.

  “Hello? Yosano, what's up?” he asked, yawning at the end of his sentence.

  The doctor didn't speak immediately, but managed to say a simple "Ranpo!" to let the man on the opposite side of the line know that she was listening.
  “You didn't show up to work...” she said, her tone making it apparent, that his absence at the office wasn't the main reason for the call, but rather a convenient excuse for a small talk to distract from the real point.
  “Yeah... sorry, I overslept. I forgot to set an alarm.” Ranpo explained truthfully, not really bothering to sound sorry.

  “Oh, right. Well... we still need you for a case.” Yosano finally managed to say.

  “A case? Tell me more.” Ranpo asked, putting the call on speaker as he placed it on a small cupboard, so he could hear what the doctor had to say, while being able to move around and prepare his sweet cereal for a quick breakfast.

  Something was already fishy.
  Yosano was a straight-forward woman, and even when she had to tell the worst news, she would say them with honesty and just the way they were, with nothing to add to make them seem less horrible.
  When even she took so long to tell what the case was about, it must have been a real deal.

  “Uhm...” she muttered and Ranpo could practically hear her grit her teeth and look around nervously.
  “Well, it's bad... Like really bad... Not too much as in it's a brutal mess, but you probably won't like it...” Yosano went on, pausing between each sentence.
  Ranpo didn't know if he felt more worried or irritated that it took her so long to get to the damn point.

  “And you want me to solve it, right?” Ranpo said between spoon-fulls of colorful cereal dipped in milk.


  “Then I need to know more description than "It's bad.", Yosano! Do you want me to imagine the scene or what?” Ranpo argued without a filter, drinking the milk that was left in the ball, before putting the dirty dishes in the sink to clean later and heading to change from his loose pyjamas, taking the phone with him, so he could still hear the doctor.

  “I- I don't know if I can explain it. You just kinda have to see for yourself, I guess? But I still suggest to be mentally prepared, because I mean that it will be hard to swallow for you.” Yosano continued, still refusing to get to the point, walking around in circles. Now the detective was actually getting really frustrated.

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