But to take steps to better their sex life or change it ever so slightly was exciting. Exhilarating. It had him discovering things about himself he would have never thought of in other settings. Previous times. They'd probably have never known Shouta was into urethral sounding. Liked it when he dressed up in feminine clothing. Wore the subtle makeup look now and again. So many other things they would never have known they liked had they never gone down this road. So many things that would have gone unsaid.

Suppressed. It made him overwhelmingly happy that they had started something that allowed them to try new things sexually. Things that, typically, others wouldn't enjoy. Would balk at. It was always a preference, but he had to be grateful that he and Shouta had never been vanilla with their sex life. That was made abundantly clear in the first few years of their relationship when they began to be proactive with sex. And even now with what he knew? Well, it made it very thrilling to dive into newer things to explore together.

And in recent times he knew he fucking loves it. Especially when he'd never been happier about his assumptions in his life. On Monday morning following their thigh riding, Shouta had seemed more content than he'd seen him be in weeks. He always loved the feeling of fingers trailing up and down his back in the mornings when he'd flop onto his husband's chest. The feeling of fingers tugging then combing through his hair gently. Working out knots that might have been formed in the night from his tossing and turning.

Even if his husband had a rats nest after a night's sleep. He always loved the lazier conversations through sign language first thing in the morning. When Shouta would answer in kind while a hand slid along his back in a soothing circuit. Something he returned by tucking his face into Shouta's throat. A few minutes stolen in the mornings when the sun had yet to rise with its blinding light reflecting off of the snow. It was his best way of waking. Something he missed in the nights his husband spent away at the dorms.

And he had felt that contentment over the wriggling restlessness in his stomach. It had been a calming routine between them for Monday surprisingly. Tuesday morning had been their usual routine. Getting their kids out the door when he'd stop to pick up a hot coffee that he'd hand over to Shouta at the front doors. Chattering away with the man as he leaned against his podium when they ended up his classroom. And it was that afternoon - much to his delight - he'd been dragged away to his husband's dorm room.

It had been painfully exciting when he was laying out on that twin mattress with his husband hovering over him. Pinning him down to it. Laying over his chest with full lips coming down on his own was always a delight. It was a repeated scenario Wednesday afternoon yet that time had been better. It was so much better when Shouta pulled at his hero costume to be discarded on the floor of his dorm room. To have his erogenous zones targeted wickedly with sweeping caresses from those rough hands.

That deep voice lowering itself to a purr in his ear. Saying those lewd things to him until he was harder than anything. Worked up again as hands and lips attacked his skin until he was reaching an orgasm that knocked him off of his damn feet. Left him breathless under the force of it. It was by far the best hour he spent before he had to head home on shaking legs. And God fucking knows, Shouta was glowing with that confidence. Ever since Sunday night when Shouta got him off the first time it had clung to his husband.

A smug confidence that glowed in those dark eyes again when he'd gotten him off Wednesday. It was hot. There was nothing he loved more than a confident Shouta. Prideful. It had his heart pounding to see how the man's confidence went through the roof. An emotion that was overly abundant when Nemuri watched their interactions with her wide eyes. Her mouth dropping with a rapt fascination before the corners of her mouth twitched into an open-mouthed smirk. Absolutely delighted by their interactions as of late.

Fifty Darker Shades of EraserMic (Shades of EraserMic #2)Where stories live. Discover now