The servants did a better job of preparing refreshments at the wedding than they did at Yuna's welcoming ball. Plenty of glasses of water were available for the taking, and Yeosang gulped one down eagerly.

"Were you doing that to make me jealous, prince?"

The voice was so deep, talking softly right in Yeosang's ear. Yeosang shivered as he struggled to swallow that last sip of water. "No." Not entirely.

"I never took you to be a liar." San was so close that his teeth grazed Yeosang's ear as he spoke. Yeosang's eyes darted around to make sure no eyes were on them. Only, there were. Yeosang locked eyes with Princess Yuna from across the room. He sucked in a breath, but the princess only gave him a small wave before looking away and greeting the next well-wisher to come her way.

"W-we cannot do this here," Yeosang stuttered out. 

San backed away. Despite everything, Yeosang felt disappointed. "Somewhere else, then?"

Yeosang shook his head vehemently. His mind was running in all sorts of directions. He forgot he was supposed to be staying away from San.

"See, this is the only place I can speak to you without you running away."

"I could run away," Yeosang argued. "I could leave right now and nobody could stop me."

"But you wouldn't." Yeosang hated that San was right. He wouldn't leave without dancing with at least one more girl to appease his mother, and he still wanted to congratulate his brother. 

"So," San leaned casually against the table beside them. "Have you given any more thought about my offer?"

"What offer?"

San's eyes flicked to Yeosang's lips. "You know what offer."

Yeosang's chest fluttered. "You act as though you would be the one doing me a favour. I remember, you said you wanted know, for a while."

"I'm sure it would be mutually beneficial."

"I-" Yeosang didn't know how San could speak about this so casually, especially in front of other people. He wished he could make San as flustered as the servant made him. "Perhaps I don't need you anymore. Perhaps I have found someone to help me discover my preferences."

San's smile faltered. "Your guard?" 

"What?" Yeosang didn't think San would actually believe him. Let alone think Wooyoung would want to kiss him. "Why would you think that?"

San gave an enigmatic shrug, then his eyes trained on something over Yeosang's shoulder. He suddenly straightened his posture and bowed, a full 90 degrees. "Have a safe trip, Your Highness. I will be awaiting your return."

Yeosang watched him retreat in confusion. San had never bowed to him before. And he'd never spoken to him so respectfully. It almost made him uncomfortable.

"I am pleased that you did not end up bringing the guard." Yeosang hadn't even noticed his mother approaching. San certainly had.

Yeosang was not well-versed in lying, but he tried his best. "I realized it would be inappropriate. You were right, mother."

If anything, Yeosang regretted not going with Wooyoung. He'd been regretting it the whole night. Even if the guard didn't say a thing, Yeosang felt more comfortable navigating these social situations with Wooyoung around.

But now he knew why his mother was so opposed to it. He wondered if his mother suspected that his preference was not towards women. Now that he knew that was even a possibility, thanks to San, Yeosang needed to work harder to convince his mother that he was normal. 

"Who was that young man you were just speaking with?" The unspoken accusation was evident in her tone. Yeosang wondered exactly how much she had seen of their conversation.

"You did not recognize him? He is Princess Yuna's personal attendant."

His mother flicked her hand dismissively. "I do not worry myself with paying attention to servants. You would do well to do the same."

"I would," Yeosang agreed, just so his mother would leave him alone. "I will go congratulate my brother and the princess now."

A smile came across the Queen's face at the mention of Jongho's marriage. There was a two-month period in which either Jongho or Yuna could still call off the marriage, but Yeosang couldn't see either of them doing that. And after the two months, they would be bound together until death. 

Yeosang bid the Queen goodbye, said his congratulations, ate some cakes, and danced some more. Somehow, he ended up with Yuna. When the dance was almost over, she said, "I always thought you did not get along with my attendant," she remarked. The music was loud enough that nobody could hear their conversation.

"We did not get along at first," Yeosang admitted. "But I have come around to him."

The song ended. "Just be careful." She smiled, but there was a warning behind her eyes. Yeosang nodded, somehow feeling as if he'd just been scolded.

After that, he tried to have fun, but really he was just killing time until it would be acceptable for him to leave. San didn't glance at him for the rest of the night, and Yeosang tried to follow his lead.

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