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A male with white hair and white rabbit ears can be seen walking up to a room.

M/n-"oh riddle you must wake up or you'll be late late late for this very important date, know I must say goodbye before I'm late."

This male was wearing white button up shirt with black gloves. He was also wearing a blue stipend vest with black pants and black boots.

He is then seen walking down the hall. Waking everyone else up. Then he heads off to school to avoid being late.

Riddle-"is m/n gone again"

Trey-"yeah you know how he is about being late"

Riddle-I just wish he would stay for a bit"

Trey-maybe one day"

Meanwhile you were walking to school to avoid being late while looking at your pocket watch.

M/n-"I'm im late"

Then you accidentally bump into someone

M/n-"I'm sorry know I must go"

Yuu-"wait just who are you"

M/n-"I must be on my way know"

Then you leave and head to class.

After school

M/n-"I'm late I'm late to a very important date no time to say hello goodbye I'm late I'm late"

You kept saying that as you head to the unhappy birthday party going on. You try to get there as fast as you can but you aren't fast enough.

When you get there the garden was destroyed with trees ripping out from the ground and trey doing something. You were more focused on how much work you would have to do. Then you see who cause all of it. Riddle

M/n-"damn it I told him to rest and have less stress but does he listen no,no he doesn't. Always leaving me to clean up his messes"

You then take out you pocket watch being prepared to use it

Yuu-"wait what are you doing"

Ace-"do you want to get yourself killed"

Cater/trey-"just watch"

Then the backside of your pocket watch opens up and time stops. During that time you take out a sword and destroy the blot manifestation. Then time goes back to normal.

Duce/ace-"what was that"

Meanwhile Yuu was unconscious on the ground looking at riddle's memory's.

Cater-"that my dear under class men was our little bunnies unique magic."

Ace-"so what exactly does it do"

Trey-"well it temporarily stops time"

Ace-"that cool"

Cater-"it really is"

Then they see you pick up riddle bridle style and take him inside. You place him in his room while you take care of his injuries. After a couple of hours he wakes up.


M/n-"yes riddle"

Riddle-"why do you always leave"

M/n-"if I don't leave then I'll be late"

Riddle-"for once be late just once"

M/n-"I'm afraid I can't, know if you excuse me I must me off"

Riddle-"oh no you don't you are staying here with me and helping me prepare for the redo of the unhappy birthday party."

M/n-"fine just this one"

The next unhappy birthday party went much better.

Yuu-"so who exactly is m/n"

Cater-"he is just a little bunny that riddle tends to favor more then most"

Meanwhile you were yelling at riddle to not put the oyster sauce into the tart but did he listen. No he didn't.

Riddle-"but the recipe say to put in oyster sauce"

M/n-"and I am saying that it is a trick. Riddle if you do not listen I will leave"

Riddle then puts the oyster sauce in the tart meaning you left the room already late for a very important date.

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