𝟬𝟮𝟬, when everything go down

Start from the beginning

Yasmina remained there without moving a finger, while Eden returned her eyes to her plate. She knew she was looking at her, and she knew with that expression. A disappointed expression, and without concern. She simply didn't care what she had done last night, until she hadn't talked to someone about what she had done to her daughter all her life.

          Eden slowly finished her breakfast as her mother walked around the kitchen, sighing with every step she took. When the young woman stood up from her chair, making a high-pitched noise, attracting the attention of Yasmina who looked up sent stings straight to her heart. Eden let her do it, not even rolling her eyes, and just putting her plate in the sink to leave as quickly as possible towards her room.

The house was oddly quiet. Noah had already left with the boys, Bella was still lying in Eden's room, John B was probably dreaming of gold, and Fred was. . . In fact, Eden had no idea where he was until she heard voices not far from her. She frowned, looking around as if examining her entire house, until her eyes fell on the room to her left. It was Yasmina's office, what was he doing in there? She swallowed, narrowed her eyes a little, and tiptoed to the half-open door. She peered through the hole, seeing Fred pacing with a phone to his ear.

"Look, Ward. The kid looks good, and he's being well taken care of. He don't ne—" Fred paused in his words, and Eden waited impatiently for more without even knowing what he was talking about. But what was it about Ward that made him call the Winslow family? John Booker Routledge.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked from behind Eden, startling her.

"I'm flying a plane, see," she said with sarcastic clucking on her tongue as John B looked at her in disbelief. "What do you think I'm doing, John B?"

He didn't have time to respond, as Fred continued in his dialogue, "Okay, no need to do that. It's okay, I'll talk to him about it. Yeah, bye." He said quickly almost with stress ringing in his words.

          Eden and John B opened their eyes wide as Fred closed the call, and headed for the door. She hastened to push John B a little further and began to act as if they were talking about nothing, exchanging a few laughs. Fred finally went out, coming across the two teenagers who were talking about Stanley.

          "Oh, hi, you two," Fred called, approaching them with a smile. "What are you talking about? Who is Stanley?"

          Eden often had a habit of lying to avoid trouble, but what could be wrong with finding a half-dead lost cat? "A cat we saved."

          Fred nodded, pursing his lips without really caring about it. "Uh, look. . . John B." He began, drawing the Routledge boy's attention to him. "Ward would like to take take a day with you to apologize for how he fired you. He would like to offer you, or if you prefer, give you back your job. Don't worry, you're still stay here. It's just to get a job. He would like a little fishing day between men. Are you in?"

          John B shifted his eyes to Eden, seeing her questioning wander across her face as well. Tomorrow was the day he was supposed to go dig the gold out of the hole, but if John B goes with Ward, they'll have to postpone their plan until the next day.

          "He can't." Eden hissed suddenly, looking at Fred. "We have things planned."

          "Yeah, of course. I'm sorry, but Ward is very insistent. Just one day. He feels terrible, and he knows how John B doesn't have an easy life. Everyone has the right to a second chance, right?" Eden continued to follow his words, insisting forcefully. But it didn't seem to flash in John B's brain, but Eden could see that something was wrong. He was too pushy and rushed.

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