-Chapter one- Annoying brothers

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A.N: Hey guys I'm sick :( but I thought 'hey what a good time to update my stories' even though I much rather be sleeping lol but I'm excited about where this story is going P.S I already have a plot and everything (cuase I'm obsessed like that) so I'm not sure if it's going to match with the t.v show or not, it might in some ways but if it does don't think i'm copying it becuase I already know whats going to happen prior to the show. I DON'T OWN VAMPIRE DIARIES though I wish I did lol and some of the plots might belong to the book and/or the t.v show so yeah just putting that out there! =D enjoy!


I slowly opened my eyes to my stupid alarm clock on the right to my bed, I lefted out my hand from the covers and banged the snooz button and pulled my covers over my head. I fell back a sleep for only a few minutes before I felt my bed suddenly bounce up and down. "What the?" I yelled jumping out and seeing no other than my older brother Damon "I hope you were going to say heck, you know how Avery feels about cussing" He said in a scolding voice but still had that stupid smirk. "Sure, Sure" I said now wide awake. "Now get out so I can get ready" I said pushing him out the door "Well someone's grouchy today" he said rolling his eyes and finally getting out. I let out a sigh and got ready.

When I went down stairs, careful to not trip, again, I sat down by Stefan and looked at Avery in the kitchen, she was busy making waffles, her dark hair was about the color of Damons, in a messy bun. "What's the occasion?" I asked Stefan "She made up 'Waffle Wednsday' " I could tell he was just thrilled "ah" I said nodding my head. "As much as we love your waffles, and we do, Me and Stefan are going to be late for school" I told her, she frowned "Ugh fine you got out of it this time, but Damon still has to eat them" I loved my sister but if there was one thing she was horrible at, it was cooking. From upstairs you could hear Damon letting out a grunt of complaint and I couldn't help but smile. When Avery turned back to her waffles Stefan turned to me "Thanks" he said with a thankful smile, I grinned. "Yes, Sarah thank you for pratically volunteering me to try the waffles from hell" Damon said sarcastically "My Pleasure" I smiled, he just rolled his eyes "Hey! I heard that!" Avery said turning around "Oh come on the world knows you of all people can't cook" Damon said looking at her "Ugh go cry a river" she said rolling her eyes "Thats the best you can come up with? Cry a river?" Damon said smirking "Ok before this gets any worse I think me and Sarah are just gonna go" Stefan said looking at me, I nodded and we headed out to the car "Have a good day little ones!" Damon called out to us, we both just ignored him.

"I hate when he does that" Stefan said breaking the silence on the way to school, "I know" I said in agrement "I mean I am older that you" He said "Yeah by two years" He smiled and rolled his eyes "Two years younger" he added. Before I could say anything we were already at school. I got out of the car scanning all the teenagers hanging out by the school "Hey Stefan" Elena said walking over to Stefan and gave him a hug. "Hey Sarah" she added looking over to me, I smiled "Hey Elena, Have you seen Henry or Jaime?" I asked, she shook her head "I didn't see Henry but Jaime is in the music room" I smiled and made my way over, I liked Elena and all but I didn't really want to stick around while her and Stefan gushed over eachother.

I opened the door to the music room and saw Jaime strunging on her guitar, I smiled "Hey" I said walking over and sitting next to her "Hey Sarah" She said smiling at me, her wavy blonde hair was down, as always. "Happy waffle Wednsday" She looked at me "Avery" She nodded her head and smiled "What happened to 'Watermelon Wednsday'?" Jaime asked with a smile "You just don't know with Avery, next time they'll probably be a squirrel Saturday" Jaime and I laughed "She and Stefan probably already have one" She added, we laughed harder. "Hey are you guys actually laughing without me?" Henry came in smiling "No of course not, we never laugh without you do we Jaime?" she shook her head "most certianly not" she said giggling "Ok, Ok you had your jokes" he said holding up his hands in surrender "So what was today on Avery's Calendar?" I sighed "Waffle Wednsday" I muttered, he burst out laughing "Well I feel bad for you" I laughed "Hey I got me and Stefan out of it" I said smiling "Bet Damon loved those waffles" Jaime said sarcasticly "Oh yeah he's probably eating with joy right now" I said thinking about Damon secretly throwing the waffles in the trash one by one without Avery knowing.

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