Chapter Two - Annoying

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He fluttered his fingers in her face with a smirk

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He fluttered his fingers in her face with a smirk. "The power of Youtube, babyyyyy."

- Mordecai

.+* *+.

A couple of months had passed, and school was better than Mordecai had expected. In fact, he seemed to be excelling in History and Language Arts. Not at all what he was expecting.

The only problem was a particular ring of hell the teachers had nicknamed "Algebra II", in which he was both constantly confused and constantly pestered by his seat partner, Twilight, who was apparently the next Einstein of "High School for Kids Dropped in the Middle-of-Nowhere, Oregon". He found it especially helpful when she'd look over his shoulder and criticize every minor detail of the assignments he was desperately trying to understand.

"Would you just shut up for one second?" He growled, nearly on the verge of snapping his pencil and throwing himself out of the window in frustration.

"Well, you're doing it wrong again. All you have to do is put negative two x to the third above the line at seven x squared, then multiply the positive one by negative two x and-"

His head quickly tuned her nonsensical rambling out, and all he could hear was static as he stared at the polynomial long division assignment they had out with glazed eyes. I wonder what they're making for lunch today, he pondered, hoping that it would be wings again. He wasn't sure what was in that sauce that they dipped their wings in, but it must've had opium mixed in, it was so good.

"Are you even listening to what I'm saying?" She bit, dragging him out of his daydreams.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." He said, resting his chin on his hand and staring out the window for the fourth time that lesson. It seemed to be a habit throughout the course of the past months, a cycle of dunning and disregarding.

"No you're not! You're just ignoring everything, when I'm obviously trying to help you!"

"Well, I never asked for help, so why are you even trying?"

Her face burned three shades darker, but before she could retaliate the bell rang out, signaling the end of the first period.

Saved by the bell. He internally cheered, slinging his bag over his shoulder and heading to his next period, leaving a furious Twilight in his wake. Despite the lingering feeling of guilt in the back of his mind, it was true. He'd never asked for her help in the first place and never would in the future. In fact, during the rare times he'd begun to make sense of whatever they were learning in math, she'd suddenly swoop in and make things even more confusing before. How in the world could she be passing when everything that came out of her mouth sounded like Latin?

Luckily, he'd be able to see Margaret again soon, and he'd forget all about annoying Twilight Sparkle.

And as promised, lunch rolled around. And with it came hilarious, brilliant, gorgeous Margaret.

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