Back in the office

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*fast forward to that Friday! Brittany has been pretty busy in the office, but shes not too upset about it. She's just happy knowing that little Santana is in the main room, socialising with summer and a few of the other littles they have met through the years. She's so at peace knowing that Derek is exactly where he needs to be, finally locked up and out of reach from ever coming close enough to hurt san ever again*

*Santana was in the middle of drawing a picture for Brittany, when she suddenly drops her crayon. Her painkillers from this morning had worn off so she was starting to feel the pain in her stomach, which of course had her close to tears*

Summer: *notices san crouched over holding her stomach so she was quick to turn to the brunette, placing a comforting hand on her back* sanny, w'as w'ong? *was worried about her bestie coz she didn't know how to help her*

Santana: *looks up at summer with teary eyes* m-my tummy h-huw't!

Summer: i's gon'  be ok! I go get daddy! *runs off to the chair area, spotting terry instantly* Daddy... Sanny huw't! ...she needs britty! *looks at terry pleadingly*

Terry: *looks between summer and Santana, seeing whats going on* its alright, Sweetheart! Lets take her to the office! *calms summer down from her panic then he takes her hand and goes over to Santana*

*after a bit of back at forth between terry and Santana. Terry decided that it would be easier to call Brittany and have her come to get san. because san wont walk herself and terry knows that she still doesn't like being held by any male figure.*

*as soon as terry was off the phone with Brittany, he watches as summer give Santana a cuddle, obviously trying to talk to her to take her mind off of her discomfort*

Brittany: *as soon as she got close enough to Santana, she saw how the brunette was making desperate grabby hands and crying* its ok baby, mama's got you now! *held Santana in her arms, lightly rocking her to try and calm her down*

Summer: *remembers about san's drawing so she turns and gets it from the little table, giving it to the brunette* dont fo'get 'ou d'wawing!

Santana: *takes the drawing from summer* t'ank 'ou! *turns to brittany, holding the picture for her to see* i's fo' 'ou mama! *smiles sweetly as Brittany smiles back*

Brittany: *take hold of the drawing and looks at the amount of work Santana put into it.* oh my... this is amazing baby! *smiles at san then looks at the picture to admire it a little longer*

Santana: t'ank 'ou mama! *was smiling proudly, feeling so good that Brittany liked it*

Brittany: can you hold it for mama till we get to my office? Then you can help me decide where I'm gonna hang it up! *gives the paper to san then turns to terry, thanking him for watching out for san. After she makes plans to have lunch with him and summer later, Brittany heads back to her office with san*

*Danny was in her office with her door open so she can be on high alert if Brittany needs her for anything*

*Danny saw Brittany passing with san in her arms. Since san was facing Danny the older woman could help but stick her tongue out at the little one. She's always finding ways to be cheeky with san and be a bit of a bad influence just to piss Brittany off*

Santana: *had her head resting on Britt's shoulder with her thumb in her mouth. When she saw Danny she couldn't help but giggle and do it back to danny*

Brittany: *knew exactly what san was giggling about. So she turns towards Danny's office with a chuckle* uh oh, what has auntie Danny done this time? *had a very playfully tone as she looks at san then back to Danny*

*just as Danny opened her mouth to defend herself, Santana was already snitching*

Santana: *lifts her head up to look at Brittany* DeeDee s'ick he'w tongue out at me mama! *points at Danny*

Brittany: *gasps dramatically as if she doesn't see the girls messing with each other like this all the time* how dare she do that to my babygirl! *hugs san, loving that the little one really does take every chance she gets to have Brittany attention all on her*

Danny: *chuckles at Brittany for being so whipped* you cheeky monkey... *gets up and walk over to the girls* how about I tell your mama that her sweet baby girl stuck her tongue out at me too?! *chuckles with Brittany as Santana quickly looks up at Danny with a glare in her eyes and a pout*

Brittany: *knows that Santana will be getting fussy coz of how tired and sensitive she gets whenever she has her period. It's a lot harder for her to take a joke when in little space also* alright! I better get her down for a nap before she rips your head off! *chuckles as does Danny*

Danny: alright! Just send me a text if you need anything! I'll just be going between my office and the playroom to check on things*

Brittany: thanks Dee! See ya! *says a quick goodbye for now as Danny disappears back into her office*

*once Brittany get in her office, she goes to put san's drawing on her desk. Then the blonde goes over to sit on the couch with san still wrapped in her arms*

*Brittany looks down to see san sucking on her thumb and trying to fight sleep. So Brittany starts to quietly sing a lullaby, while she sways side to side lightly. Within minutes the brunette is fast asleep*

*after sitting in the silence for a few minutes, Brittany debated whether she should try to change san the now or if it will be better to just leave her till she wakes up again, hopefully in a better mood*

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