Me and Laya looked through the options and decided what we wanted and told Saint before he got up and headed to the kitchen to phone them.

"So pretty girl, who knew I would make it into your apartment." Pietro teased, smirking at Laya.

"Ughhh I regret this." She huffed before covering her face with a pillow. Pietro smiled and reached for the remote,

"Let's find something to watch, so baby, what do you want to watch?" He continuously teased Laya.

Laya reached over and whispered something in his ear making his eyes go wide. Saint came and took his seat focusing on Pietro's face. He carefully handed Laya the remote,

"You can pick." He quickly spoke sitting back in his seat.

Saint and I sniggered while observing Pietro and Laya's interaction.

"So what do you all plan on doing after college?" I asked, striking a conversation.

"Well hopefully being on the football team will get us a scholarship and we will be able to join professional training after this academic year. Why do you think we were so eager to get on the team because whoever makes the team in this last half term gets a scholarship. It's something we've dreamed about since we were little." Saint responded.

"Yh, hopefully Roman and us make it through." Pietro said from behind.

"What about you two? What are your plans?" Pietro asked.

"Well I'm going into fashion and design hopefully, these ideas aren't gonna make themselves." Laya answered. They all turned to look at me and I could feel me body heat up,

"Well I've always wanted to be a writer like an author but I don't know yet, I'm not really sure."  I answered.

"Well if that's something you really want to do and you're passionate about personally,, i'd say go for it, don't let anyone try and stop you. This is coming from a person who's finally following their own dream: don't let anything or anyone sabotage your future and what you wanna do. You only get one shot at life, grasp it by the root" Saint advised.

There was something certainly emotional about this side of Saint, he was always like this when it came to people's goals and future jobs. I remember in class last term when he gave a speech on fighting for what you want, he really touches people emotionally.

"Thank you." I whispered, finding it difficult to find my voice.

"There's my sainty boy." Pietro mimicked grabbing him into a headlock.

"So how long did they say the food would be?" Laya asked.

"45 minutes, so let's find something to watch." He huffed pulling the remote out of Laya's hands causing her to scrunch her face.

We sat back bored out of our minds when they guys decided to watch some football hooligan show, I guess they could relate considering they aren't very different. There was pizza everywhere in the living room, Laya and I now sat to the side after having Pizza spat all over us and we waited for every 5 minutes when they jumped off the sofa we were disgusted.

Saints phone started bringing catching all of our attentions, he looked up at us all his face stuffed with Pizza,

"It's Roman," He whispered, "Everyone stay quiet."

"What's up bro?" Roman leaned into the phone trying to rid his mouth of food.

"No pietro and I are out, we're heading back now and then we can..., yh yh don't worry." Saint finished before turning off his phone.

"We need to hurry and get back without getting caught." Saint said while grabbing his jacket and heading to the door.

He pulled it open and turned to hurry Pietro along.

"Come on bro what are you waiting for Roman to kick our asses." Saint hurried.

Mine and Laya's faces had dropped and as much as we tried signalling to Saint he was too worried about getting back.

"Anna, what's up with your face? What are you looking at?" Pietro mentioned before turning and looking at Saint, "Oh." He whispered.

"I think shes realised you're both fucked." Roman voiced loudly, sending Saint into a fright.

"Are you really trying to give me a heart attack?" Saint barked. He was now on the floor clutching his chest and Pietro was too stunned to even speak. For grown ass masculine men this was interesting to see.

"Roman take your little puppets, they really know how to ruin someone's lives, guess you have all made it a mission to make my life hell." I said trying to cover up the fact they had spent the evening here.

"Don't worry scarface, that's why I'm here, couldn't let them have all the fun." He smiled smugly.

He came in and shut the door and made himself comfortable on the sofa. So scarface, how's life without us tampering with you every minute of the day?" He asked taking in his surroundings

"Who said you were welcomed in? Get your ass off my sofa." Laya yelled, finally having enough.

"Oh so you're the mouthy one my cousin goes on about, I can tell why he's taking an interest. And it probably explains why they both wanted to spend the evening here rather than with me. I mean two pretty girls, pizza and a movie. What more could they want?" Roman loudly spoke, watching as Pietro's and Saints' faces changed colour knowing they had been caught.

"But really, why did you spend it here?" Roman asked curiously.

All of us looked at each other hoping no one would spill what we had done to Lisa. But thankfully Laya was good at coming up with things on the spot so she took this fashionably,

"Well me and Pietro couldn't get enough of each other and Saint seems to be stuck to him by the hip so I invited both over." Laya smiled sitting on Pietro's lap.

I observed how Pietro's face went a light pink and he was surprised Laya had come and sat in his lap, even me and Saint gave each other looks.

"Wait how did you know that we were here?" Saint asked, confused.

"Well I watched you both come in here hours ago. I was heading back to our room to shower and noticed how you two took a turn so I followed you. I couldn't ruin the surprise so I headed back to my own room." Roman responded.

"So scarface, haven't picked on you in a while, I see you've been avoiding me after that stunt." Roman sneered.

Laya stuck her eyes out at me and I was even worried it would slip from his mouth. I knew if Roman even tried to say anything Laya was ready to lunge at him.

"What stunt?" Saint and Pietro chimed together.

"Nothing." Laya, Roman and I chimed together.

"Just get out." I spoke pointing at the door.

"No we're here to have fun aren't we, I mean you were ok having them two around why not me?" Roman refused.

"Because you're a bully." I whispered.

He let out a laugh before saying, "Did they not bully you? Or was it only me?"

"Yeah they did but they have stopped, defended me and have realised what they used to do was wrong. and the rest continue to do what you do best, put others down." I said loud enough, feeling intimidated.

"I'm a bully, mhmm so Scarface where are you're parents? I mean they must have done something to earn money because you never used to dress like that. Oh have you erm sold yourself because I wouldn't put it past people like you." He horribly questioned, his face had changed and he held the face he always has when it came to me.

"You may dress differently and cover your face with that crap but you will always be the girl who is poor, the girl who continues to get bullied, the girl whose parents are off their heads and the girl who is the reason her brother is dead." He continued maliciously. I tried stopping the tears but I just let them fall, how did he even know all this?

"Get out...get out...I said get out...ARE YOU STUPID I SAID GET OUT ALL OF YOU JUST GET OUT!" I shouted watching as Pietro and Saint jumped to their feet and walked out the door.


Its been a while, but here you go!!

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