"I got you, you're ok." I heard but was too concentrated on the cold water being splashed on my face.

I heard the toilet doors open a couple times and when my eyes finally opened I was looking at Saint and Pietro. Saint was covered in water and Pietro had paper towels in his hands.

"Hey, can you see alright?" They both chimed together.

"It doesn't burn anymore does it?" Saint asked.

"Yh, yeah I'm ok, not the first time." I whispered, reaching out for the paper towels Pietro was offering me.

I cleaned myself up and waited for them both to leave but they didn't.

"Thank you, thank you for helping me." I watched as they both looked at each other before looking down.

"It's best if you go home Anna." Pietro said before grabbing his bag and leaving, Saint not so far behind.

I looked in the mirror thankfully there wasn't any damage other than my face and forehead looking bloodshot, I was soaked. I pulled up my hood and grabbed my bag and didn't hesitate once when walking down the halls to the exit. Once I got to my room I quickly stripped and showered, I then changed into my pyjamas and decided to stay home for the rest of the day.

I just sat and ate and watched movies while waiting for Laya to get home. She had popped in earlier in the day to check on me after what had happened.


I sat on the sofa after coming back from being nearly burnt alive.

"ANNA!" I heard Laya shout while running to our door and pushing it open. She ran towards me and hugged me.

"I'm guessing this was Roman and his crew. What happened?" She asked pulling away.

"I walked out of class and Lisa threw hot coffee on me," I said sniffing my shirt to confirm my thoughts, "All I could feel was a burning sensation and was pulled into the toilets and had cold water splashed on me."

"Who helped you?" Laya questioned.

"Surprisingly it was Saint and Pietro, recently they have been defending me alot." I responded

"As in Romans best mate and Cousin." Laya voiced shocked.

"Yes, that's why I'm so shocked. I realised they hang separately too."  I informed her.

"Are you sure it was them two who helped you?" Laya interrogated.

"Yes Laya I saw two faces and I know who they belonged to. Why do you keep asking?" I fired back.

"Well when I came out of class after hearing you shout it burns I tried getting to you but was stopped by a crowd and I'm sure I definitely saw Roman pulling you towards the toilets." Laya explained.

After hearing that all I could do was laugh, "Roman," I laughed harder until I saw Laya's face and she was serious, "Oh you're serious."

"Yes I'm serious Anna, it was tall scary guy Roman, not Saint and Pietro." Laya exclaimed.

"Oh this may make sense, when I thanked Saint and Pietro they both never said your welcome and they both looked at each other funny before looking down." I sighed.

"Well I'm gonna shower, you better get back to class. I don't want you to be late because of me." I urged Laya.

"I will be back soon. Let me know if you need anything." She kissed my forehead before leaving and closing the door behind her.

"Uggghhhhhh!" I sighed loudly, falling back onto the sofa.


I sat finishing off the last Saw movie when Laya walked in with ice cream and cookies.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Laya asked, hanging up her coat and coming towards me.

"Nothing just dreading going to class tomorrow." I groaned.

"Don't worry everything's good, just as I was walking back I saw the group of assholes and they were getting it from Saint and Pietro especially Lisa. I've never seen her so scared in my life."  Laya giggled.

She snuggled up next to me and started opening up the cookies and ice cream.

"By the way, I spoke to Mr Lin today and asked if I could transfer classes so we could be together." Laya whispered.

"Andddd." I rapidly responded.

"Unfortunately, I will be joining you in your class." Laya smirked, messing with my hopes.

The time flew by and morning arrived, after eating those cookies and ice cream last night me and Laya were out like babies within 10 mins. This time we were on time to class and gratefully I had Laya with me.

"Good morning Anna, Laya." Mr Lin uttered.

"Good morning." Laya and I chimed together. We both giggled before going and taking seats at the back of the class. Just as the bell went all hopes that today was going to be a good class went down the drain when what Laya calls the assholes walked in. I kept my eyes on Laya while we talked about the task Mr Lin had put on however I was interrupted and left in shock when Lisa came and stood in front of my desk.

"Hey Anna, I apologise for what happened yesterday, please can you forgive me?" Not one bit of me fell for the bullshit apology, I knew she was being forced and within seconds her face had switched when I said, "Leave it, it's fine."  She swayed back to her place among the idiots and took her seat. My attention was diverted when Mr Lin called for everyone's attention and started off his lesson but it was hard to pay attention when I could feel eyes piercing the side of my face.

I looked to my left and Roman was looking at me, nor did he hesitate to look away. I careful pulled up my hood so my face was covered and continued to pay attentions. 30 minutes passed by and Mr Lin spoke,

"Well everyone continue with the tasks when I come back I want a finished summary from everyone, I won't be too long I will be just next door so don't even think about moving out of place." He instructed.

Mr Lin left and my heart couldn't stop beating extremely fast and the uneasy feeling in my chest and throat set the feeling that either Roman or his people were going to say something, and my gut feeling was never wrong.

"So Laya, who's your new mate?" Sean laughed.

I chose not to answer and to just ignore his remarks but it was getting difficult when he decided he was going to push the limits.

"I heard you're living here, is it because mommy and daddy were exceeding the normal level of crack?" He awed earning a snigger from everyone.

"Oh come on Anna don't be like that. I was just asking a question, maybe I could be your mate too, we could hang together with Lisa, Cora and Rita." He said while getting an awarding smack from Lisa.


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