A month had gone by and I still kept Lauren and Shawn in the dark about me being late but they wouldn't find out and soon I would be out of here anyway. It was 9pm on a Sunday when they both called me down after putting the boys to bed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked while taking a seat on the opposite side of the sofa.

"When are you going to tell us that you have been going late to college for the last month or so?" Shawn asked, tension clear in his voice.

"Oh, I was going to, I promise I just need to set off early to drop Theo off and it won't happen again." I already knew what was coming but was hoping my words would change their decision.

"Well you wont need to worry about that anymore, we have a surprise for you. After Mr Lin called us and told us about the lates and how crucial it is for you to be in college on time he mentioned that many students take the route of accommodation which the college provides. So we got you a room, it's one of the best and only has one person staying there at the moment. What do you think?" Lauren asked, a smile plastered across her face.

"A room? you want me to live there! No, I have Theo. I need to be there for him. He is my main priority." I responded shocked.

"Anna you need to think about yourself, Theo will be fine with me and Lauren, right now it's important for you to think about yourself. And it's only for 4 months and then you will be back." Shawn reassured me.

"No, I'm sorry I really appreciate it but Theo needs me. If I want to show I can handle both his care and myself the custody process will be easier. And I won't let anyone take him away from me." I stated.

"Anna, darling no one is going to take him away from you, we are just stepping in for now while you finish your course and get a job. Either way the custody process will be easy as you have been taking care of Theo his whole life." Lauren comforted me.

"Ok but who is this person I'm sharing with? When do I move in?" I asked deeply frustrated that I was no longer taking Theo.

"Well I spoke with Mr Lin and he said Wednesday would be fine as many students will be in class then." Lauren said.

"Ok, I'm going to head to bed." I said while standing and heading for the stairs. Once I was in bed I was angry that Theo would not be around me for 4 months. I mean 4 months was a long time. A really long time.

I went to bed that night frustrated. I thought I knew what they were going to say but instead was left in shock and with very little decision of my own. If this could get any worse, coming home was the thing I always looked forward to when it came to college and now I would be there 24/7 morning and night.

I woke up early this morning and changed very quickly. I prepared for Theo and set off extra early to get to his school. Once I kissed him goodbye I headed in the direction of my college. I walked faster hoping that getting there early may change the decision of me living at my college too. As my steps increased the feeling of someone watching or following increased. I turned and looked around but there was no one in sight. It wasn't long till my college was in sight and the time calmed me knowing I was early. I walked it through the school gate and was welcomed with Rita's back. I staggered backwards and the laugh of Roman echoed in the grounds. I moved to the side before continuing but was stopped by Lisa and Cora.

"You wanna watch where you're going ugly, otherwise I will give you a matching scar on the other cheek." Rita shouted. I was hoping no one would hear but she continued on with her rant, "Do your eyes not work or something do you need me to take a look at them for you, I think my fist will really..."

"Hey!" I turned to see Saint and Pietro coming in our direction but what they did next surprised me, "Shut it Rita, your voice is annoying, keep it shut and maybe you should have been aware of your surroundings instead of trying to impress Roman every moment you get." Saint continued.

"He's not even interested in you, just likes to laugh at your efforts." Pietro voiced.

"Have you both woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something you're supposed to be on our side, we're your mates." Lisa aggressively joked, her anger and possibly even jealousy present.

"No we woke up fine, we just know where our loyalty lies and it certainly ain't with any of you." Pietro declared while pointing at the three girls and Sean.

"So you just used us?" Cora whispered.

"No you weren't used, there is nothing to use with people who have no brains, you just joined our group because of Sean and Roman, me and Pietro never really liked your existence." Saint enunciated.

"Is there a reason you're defending her?" Roman angrily proclaimed while stepping forward and getting into Pietro's face.

"Yes, we figured out how pathetic we were bullying others and you Roman need to..." Saint was interrupted when Roman voiced loudly,

"It's not bullying, it's called a joke. Clearly you guys can't handle this."

"Handle this!" Saint and Pietro looked at each other and burst out with laughter, "Well clearly Roman you aren't as intelligent as we thought, we ain't here to argue with you but maybe rethink your definition of a joke." Saint shot before turning and leaving with Pietro by his side.

I stood in shock watching it all play out and I didn't hesitate to make my disappearance and as I walked through the door of my college I was curious as to why Saint and Pietro had in a way defended me and took my side. The two who would destroy me completely had defended me and the curiosity inside me started to spur.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, no shouts of embarrassment in the halls, no tripping me, no taking my food at lunch, nothing literally nothing happened for the rest of the day. Not that I was complaining but what had gotten into Saint, Pietro and Roman. Never in a million years would you see them three separate.

But it wasn't my business and I really didn't care. My classes went on, Mr Lin was surprised to see me early and congratulated me when I left my last class at the end of the day. I was happy for once leaving the ground of which my college stood, today couldn't have gotten any better.


Saint, Pietro, Sean, Lisa, Rita and Cora What are your thoughts?

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