Peter Parker, The Blonde Mf.

Start from the beginning

"Huh... Guess I'm lucky eh?" Gwanda's words betrayed her sadness.

"Don't worry kid, guys... or girls, I don't know what you like, would be all over that pretty face of yours." Gwen kindly said, to which Gwanda's eyes widened.

"You really think so?" Gwanda said, well, it wasn't like she was not confident in herself, but hearing this from what's essentially a better version of yourself, really drove the point home.

"Of course. I would know, you are me!" Gwen said, a smile on her face. "You can be my younger sister!"

"I-I would like that." Gwanda blushed, she always wanted a sister.

"What's the deal with you and the mass murderer?" Gwanda let out and immediately regretted it, as the smile on Gwen's face immediately dropped, a dangerous green glint in her eyes.

"Don't call him that." Gwen stated, as Gwanda raised her arms in defeat.

"Alright Alright..." Gwanda said, as Gwen calmed down.

"We're... in love...." Gwen said, a blush coming onto her face. "Well, it's complicated right now. But yes, we are in love."

"How could you even date him after what happene-" Gwanda stopped herself when Gwen narrowed her eyes.

"He's not your (Y/N)." Gwen stated as Gwanda paused in thought. "What did your one even do? I'm curious now."

Gwanda sat back and relaxed, as she remembered her life before the portal.

"I... never really had any friends, except for Pete... and (Y/N). With Pete, it was more of a brotherly love but I always wanted (Y/N)." Gwanda started as Gwen listened intently. "He was a jerk... I don't why it attracted me to him, but he was one."

"That's awful." Gwen said, thankful for the fact that she drew the best of the lot.

"He was the rich asshole in our school. The jock, the bully. All the stereotypes rolled into one." Gwanda said, smiling. "Now that I say it out loud, I'm starting to wonder why he showed me and Pete so much kindness."

Gwen nodded along.

"He would take me out partying, showed me off to his rich friends, bought me expensive dresses and makeup, but he never treated me like a trophy... It was genuine." Gwanda said, her expression increasingly bitter. "It all changed during the prom night."

Gwen took a seat beside her. "Are you all right?" 

"I-I can't continue... please. Let's drop this." Gwanda felt her tears starting to bubble around her eyes.

"Shh... It's all right, we can talk later." Gwen rubbed her younger self's shoulder as the teenager leaned into her.

"It's good to have someone to talk to." Gwanda said, as Gwen smiled, humming in reply.


Peter B. Parker, ate his Pizza slice in silence, perhaps it was to calm his nerves or perhaps it was because it could glitch out of existence any second now.

Anyway, he had just hopped multiverses.

Yeah he knows, whoopie, big deal. He had also gone through a messy divorce, yet no one gave a shit about that.

"Jesus... Where am I?" Peter wandered around the rooftop he had landed on.

Crash landed on.

"Still hurts..." He cried out, clutching has arse in pain. His pot belly didn't do much favor to the costume he wore. Looking like the drunk uncle at a party rather than the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

Responsibility: Gwen Stacy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now