Chapter Three

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A week later, Erica was outside in the courtyard. Watching clouds move, hearing and seeing the birds flying down south. Winter was coming. She thinks about the punishments on dealing with Lucky Floyd. She's happy on this new life she was given, living in the same roof with her best friend, Miss Betty, and also being a personal and official bounty hunter for one of the lords in the village.
While she still on the ground, she closes her eyes and relaxes until a dark shadowy blocks her light.

"Alright who turned off the sun?" Erica chuckles and wasn't sure who it was.

"I mean, too much sun could hurt your skin child." A southern accent made Erica open her eyes.

It's Miss Betty, she was wearing her maiden uniform. She had her beige coat on her arm and a basket on the other. Apparently she was heading down too the village too gather some items that the maidens and the Dimitrescu women need. Erica stood up, she hasn't been down there since moving here. She decides to walk with her besides she could use a break from the Dimitrescu daughters. They had been so attached too her, especially Daniela.

"I'll come with you. Besides I need a break away from this place." Erica jokingly said too her best friend.

"Okay child you win." Miss Betty smiles, "Might need those strong muscles of yours on helping load things into the carriage." Her southern accent was more in depth, "You need to tell Lady Dimitrescu about you coming with, I anti getting in trouble because of you." She points her finger at Erica and smirks.

There the young girl leaves after she obeys her friends wish. She searchers for her boss but cage was no way too be seen.
Until she hear music coming from a room, the music sounded old, probably late 20s or 30s. She enters the room and finds herself seek her boss playing a piano.

Erica loves the sound of music, she walks forward and pauses after the piano stops playing.

"Has anyone told you too knock before entering. It's highly rude, but can I help you today?" Lady Dimitrescu turns around then grabs her glass of wine.

"My apologize boss." Erica rubs the back her head, "I wanted to ask you if it would be okay by me tagging along with Miss Betty. She's heading down too the village to gather some supplies and I want to make sure that she's safe." Her words were truthful which made Lady Dimitrescu fully turns around.

"Alright, but make sure that you both don't do anything stupid while being there." Lady Dimitrescu tells her new bounty hunter.

Her appearance whenever she stood up. It made Erica feel tiny. Yes, she's a small child with a mind of an adult serial killer but still it made her feel weird.
They both said their goodbyes and Lady Dimitrescu wat he's the young, wild-child leave her room.
She still had that feeling of a mother towards her, and test she still chose to ignore it but this time it made her think more.

"Why do I feel like this, my only children are the girls. Although, Erica had been living on her own for what I think a few years. Minus having Miss Betty around." She looks at the fireplace, the flickers of the fire made her see herself hugging Erica and holding the other daughters of hers, "Could it be a sign of some sort?" Her hand touch her chest and felt her heart beating.

Meanwhile, Miss Betty and Erica took the supplies carriages. Riding it down to the village, the air smelled much better than being inside the castle of sweat and fear. While heading down, a few Lycans of Lady Dimitrescu see them leaving but never harmed as they were told by her and another lord that fully controls these creatures.

When arriving to the village. Everyone took notice of the carriage that holds the crest of house Dimitrescu. They all went stood a foot or two, not wanting to piss whoever was driving it. Erica parked the carriage and fix's herself when walking around to help Miss Betty get down.
The air suddenly got little colder than it was earlier, everyone knew that winter time was near. Preparing the harvest and everything was going to be a challenge, but that never stopped them before.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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