Chapter Two

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Miss Betty and Erica were happy to be at the castle. They could finally be together like a family which they smile through training then one daughter of Lady Dimitrescu was very interested with Erica. She had bright red hair then pulls her away.

"Just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Daniela Dimitrescu." Daniela smiles, "My mother apparently she has a job for you already." She escorts her, meanwhile Miss Betty was getting trained by the head-maiden and some others.

"I didn't know your mother had already got a job for me. Do you what it might be?" Erica ask, Daniela nods but doesn't say, "Could you give me a hint, I'm really good at guessing." She snorts like a piggy.

There was no luck unfortunately, and walking many stairs they eventually make it up to a set of doors. Erica's feet were some what hurting which she stop and checks it out.
It was the cut she accidentally gave herself when running to see Betty.
There the daughter, Daniela, takes notice on how infected it had got.

"Don't worry, my mother can clean it for ya." Daniela picks Erica up and carry's the young girl on her back.

"Trust me I'm strong to lift anything...well almost." Erica chuckles then listens to Daniela as she went on with many stories.

Eventually they made it too a double set of doors. It was beautiful as it was a small living room but another set of doors open as it lead to the bedchambers of Lady Dimitrescu. The room was well clean and the Persian rug made it look better.
The mistress turns to see Erica and Daniela; alittle out of place after seeing her youngest daughter carrying her newly bounty hunter like that. Until she saw the infected food.

"Place her on the couch and bring the medical box." Lady Dimitrescu ask, "Erica tell me what had happened to your foot?" She sat down on this massive couch with her.

"A few days ago, I torn my old pair of shoes in the village as I stepped on broken glass and torn it again, then after sliding down a hill too Miss Betty's house." Erica told the truth which the mistress thought it was good on telling the truth, "But she clean it right before I left to gather your stolen belongings. But lately I've been cleaning it myself but I messed up." A small nervous laugh came out after rubbing the back of her neck.

There a contempt look came on the mistress. She pinch Erica's shoulder but that tiny girl had a nerve and gently slap her hand.
Both stared after they had just did which suddenly turn into laughter. Tears were rolling out of them as Daniela had return with the medical supplies then vanishes in her moth forms and left the two.

"Anyways, I have a mission for you later today if your foot isn't bothering you a lot." Lady Dimitrescu said after wiping her tears while getting the cloth and alcohol, "It's about Lucky Floyd. I would like to see how you would do punish him for his crimes." She wants to know what that little mind had.

"Ways of punishment?" Erica reassures what she heard, which the boss lady nodded, "We could do the rack? Which is a stretching the limbs until he bleeds out and dies, or..." She listed punishments ideas that was from all of history, but stops after thinking of Jessy, "But honestly I want to discuss this with Miss Hemsworth, she is the daughter of him. It would not be fair if we just killed him on the spot." She went soft which the mistress see the thoughtful side.

There she had already patched and clean the infected wound. Erica stood up and thanks her boss by bowing. Then heads out to find Jessy, who was somewhere in this massive castle.
Meanwhile Lady Dimitrescu was intrigued by this child and somehow felt like a mother figure towards her. Which sounded ridiculous as she walks to her office.
Erica searches to Jessy but she sees her and Miss Betty talking and cleaning the hallway.

"Hey Miss Betty." Erica waves and smiles, "Ayo Jessy, could you and I speak?" Asking her which she doesn't deny and walks.

"How can I be at your service Miss Blackwood?" Jessy ask which she forgot that Erica hate being call that, "Sorry again hon, still learning hehe." She giggles and walks a corner with Erica.

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