chapter 4

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it was Sunday 10 am, andrea expected that she was still laying in her bed, in her apartment. instead here she was, in Miranda's kitchen preparing eggs for a crying Miranda. she was thinking about the consequences from the stupid article from page six. andrea would definitely lose her job, Miranda has lost her husband, andrea is officially outed as a lesbian. life was shit. while placing the eggs on a plate she gently called Miranda's name. she turned around with the plate and almost pumped into Miranda, "sorry, didn't hear you entering the kitchen" she handed her the plate and received a sad smile. cracking open 2 eggs above the pan she said 'it's going to be okay, Miranda. you'll get through it." she didn't get an answer but that was fine, she didn't expect one either way.

when her eggs were ready she sat down in front of her. "thank you" she said almost in a whisper. "no problem, i hope they taste good" Andrea gave her a weak smile in return. Miranda was picking at her food but not eating it. Her nails were tapping on the wooden kitchen table in stress.

"Please actually eat, you need the energy"

"Don't tell me what i need an-dreh-ah" Miranda snapped at her.

"Alright, you don't have to snap at me like that. I'm trying to help, I could've just left this morning"

"Then leave" Miranda said avoiding her gaze.

"Look at me Miranda"

Miranda did and she felt shame wash over her. Her eyes were watery and she knew. She blinked away her tears and looked andrea in her eyes.

Andrea got up and walked around the kitchen table towards the door. This was it, miranda thought. She's going to leave because i snapped at her. I mean, who wouldn't. I'm Miranda priestly overal.

Her thoughts got interrupted by 2 arms which slowly crept around her.

"I can see the sadness in your eyes Miranda, I'm not leaving you. Yes you're my boss. I know that no one touches miranda priestly. But I'm not your assistant now Miranda. This is me being your friend" she whispered in her ear.

Miranda started to sob and she turned around. Standing up from the chair she basically threw herself into the women's arms.

"It's okay miranda, you're safe"

Miranda got herself together and got out of the embrace. "I'm sorry that you have to see me like this" she dried her eyes with the back of her hands and tried to replace the strands of hair in the right position.

Andrea cupped her chin and slightly tilted her head. "This Miranda, is the vulnerable you. I've always wanted to see this side of you. Behind your ice queen persona"

Miranda was touched by her words, she looked at Andrea's lips and realised she was.. staring at her lips.. Andrea's lips. She quickly looked away and struggled to think of something to say.

Andrea noticed Miranda stared at her lips and then stressed. Why would Miranda look at her lips? Did she seek more comfort in Andrea or did it mean something else? She stared dumbly at Miranda and Miranda stared back at her. Andrea's breath caught in her throat and she decided to go for it.

Miranda stared at her and suddenly Andrea leaned forward. Before she could do anything Andrea's lips were on hers. It was a slow kiss without any urge or need. Andrea's hands were in her hair and Miranda's arms were around her waist. When they parted Andrea nuzzled her head in the crook of Miranda's neck. They stood there, hugging each other and seeking comfort. After a little while Miranda's voice broke the silence which wasn't uncomfortable at all.

"Andrea.." she breathed heavily


"I'm sorry"

Andrea stepped back to look her in her blue sparkling eyes, she was still holding her. "Don't be sorry, you needed comfort so I thought i'd.. yk.. she chuckled, well i mean, it worked didn't it?"

Miranda smiles, "it did yes. My whole head is just messed up and I have no clue why i did what i did. I.. don't think i love you Andrea but there's something that's different."

"I know, that's okay. There's no rush but what on earth are we telling the press and ehm my parents.."

"Honestly andrea, I don't know. We can either say were dating or say it's not true"

"What are we going to do"

"I.. you're something andrea. We could try this since it'll make more sense. We can fake date so there won't be any problems and drama. The press won't continue to stalk us if we say its true. I will get in trouble with Stephen but that's nothing that will stand in the way of this"

"Then let's fake-date" Andrea hugged her but her smile dropped when Miranda couldn't see her. For Andrea the kiss meant more than comfort but apparently not for miranda. Fake-dating would give her the possibility to spend time with miranda. She would do anything to spend time with miranda, even the brush of their fingers when she gave her coffee got Andrea to feel insane. She'd rather fake date than barely see her at all.

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