Hazel Sunset [01]

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The smell of smoke filled the air inside the candy tavern. It was a breezy night, and still, Simon decided to go for a dirt beer. He sipped his drink as self-doubt took over his mind, while ghosts of his past haunted him.

The events that took place earlier that day made it all harder for him. People talking about his "old stuff" and implying he's become boring since he stopped wearing the cursed crown...

While self-deprecating himself to the barman, Simon was about to order something stronger, with the urge to cover up his sorrow under the haze, when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Finn.

- Hey Simon don't be so harsh on yourself.

Since when was he listening? either way Simon kept mumbling about how much of a dinosaur he likely was to other people. He felt lonely without Betty. Without common interests, without familiarity, without a caring touch. Finn interrupted him:

- You know, you're not the only human from the 20th century left...

Finn's presence always felt like a breath of fresh air. He dealt with Ice King so many times, and still, he never judged Simon. But that was better, those words softened the sad man. They gave him hope. Maybe he wasn't completely alone in this world after all. He got so shocked, he thought he heard it wrong:

- What? Who are you talking about Finn?

He was curious, exited even. He sat still as his friend told him the news. Finn had recently helped Bubblegum check on an old hospital, where a cure for the zombies was being researched during the mushroom war. They found something unexpected, a "thing" called Hazel. She was asleep in a pod since the beginning of the war, and was now having as many existencial crises as Simon.

- She feels lost Simon. In fact, I came here to ask if you'd like to help her.

Oh. Helping someone... It made him insecure but, maybe it could get him to feel useful, or feel like he redeemed himself somehow. He took a second before replying:

- I guess. Does she have a place to stay?

- She doesn't. She's with Marceline and PB since we found her, but they're not able to make her talk much... I was expecting you could maybe, share you exhibit with her for a while? She doesn't have a job yet, and she is a 20th century human after all.

It seemed acctually great. It kind of made him anxious, but it was good for the exhibit. He was going to tell Finn he'd think about it, when Finn stopped him:

- Amazing. We'll take her to your place this afternoon. Then you can talk to her and see if she likes the idea. You're gonna like her, she is a historian.

It was impossible for him to refuse. Finn threw it all on the fan with a smile. His head was now filled with thoughts.

Simon was a little taken aback by how quickly Finn made all the arrangements, but a little excited nonetheless. He'd been feeling alone, and it was nice to have a friend like Finn that could help him. So why not help someone as well? He was looking forward to having someone else to talk to anyways.

Simon made his way back home, feeling a mix of emotions as he waited for them to arrive. He was actually starting to get scared to let someone in his little lonely world. Specially with so much regret from the past weighting on him.

He took some time hiding the Choose Goose and his Glob altar in the basement, not wanting to seem weird or end up getting questions about it. He wanted a friend, nothing more. And that secret (trying to open a portal to bring Betty back) was a secret he wasn't going to share with anyone.

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